The project architecture

create-react-app + antDesign + redux


The company needs to develop an online skin changing function. Considering the complexity, we still think that it is possible to directly change the primary value of antDesign through the plug-in, so that the color of antDesign components can be changed globally by changing a color. Here, antD-Theme-Generator is used to achieve ‘pro-test effectiveness

The installation


‘needs to be used with less


Add color.js to the root directory

const path = require('path');
const { generateTheme } = require('antd-theme-generator');

const options = {
  stylesDir: path.join(__dirname, './src/styles'),
  antDir: path.join(__dirname, './node_modules/antd'),
  varFile: path.join(__dirname, './src/styles/variables.less'),
  mainLessFile: path.join(__dirname, './src/styles/index.less'), themeVariables: [// themeVariables that need to be dynamically switched'@primary-color'.'@secondary-color'.'@text-color'.'@text-color-secondary'.'@heading-color'.'@layout-body-background'
  indexFileName: 'index.html',
  outputFilePath: path.join(__dirname, './public/color.less') // The theme variable file introduced by the page}; generateTheme(options) .then(less => { console.log('Theme generated successfully');
  .catch(error => {
    console.log('Error', error);

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Add style/index.less+style/ variable. less to the SRC folder

The index.less file is empty

The variables. Less documents

@import '~antd/lib/style/themes/default.less'; @primary-color: // add a variable to the antd file.'# 202777';
@layout-header-padding: '0px';
:root {
--PC: @primary-color;
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Add global LESS configuration to the index. HTML file

Add global less variable configuration to index.html to make the modifyVars method of less available globally, override variables in default.less when switching themes:

      rel="external nofollow"
      window.less = {
        async: false,
        env: 'production'
    <div id="root" style="height: 100%;"></div>
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Package. json file modification command

"scripts": {
 "start": "node color && node scripts/start.js"."build": "node color && node scripts/build.js"."test": " node color && node scripts/test.js"
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Switching method

Change @primary-color color to change theme color, which can be stored in storage, switch page can call this method first

  getTheme = data => {
        '@primary-color': this.state.styleList[data].color,
        '@layout-header-padding': '0px'
      .then(() => {
        this.setState({ style: data });
      .catch(error => {

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