ZooTeam Front End Weekly | Issue 152

For more past issues, please visit: weekly.zoo.team

  1. Talk about what I’ve learned over the years about front-end frameworks – Nuggets

Pages were originally rendered on the server side, in PHP, JSP and other technologies, where the server filled in the data through a template engine and returned the generated HTML for the browser to render. At that point, the form is submitted synchronously, and the server returns the HTML of the resulting page. Then came the browser

  1. 1234 Do it again, and continue to share 10 new “wow” Web resources, favorites equals learning ~ – digging gold

10 more “wow” Web resources! Quietly pressed the collection key, this wave earned again! Bridge bean sack! This time, the small praise???? Light it up, too

  1. Application performance front-end monitoring, bytedance’s years of experience here

Shan Shihao, member of ByteDance Web Infra team, is mainly responsible for application performance front-end monitoring