
The previous article briefly introduced the functions and features of SOFA-Boot and illustrated the configuration of Readiness health check. This paper mainly introduces how to introduce SOFA-RPC middleware in SOFA-Boot, and gives the whole process of service release and consumption based on bolt, REST and Dubbo.

This article will further introduce the rich and powerful functions provided by SOFA-RPC middleware, including one-way call, synchronous call, Future call, callback, generalization call, filter configuration, etc.

Other articles

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  • Ant Financial SOFA-Boot Integration SOFA-RPC

  • Ant Financial SOFA-Boot Integration SOFA-RPC

  • Ant Financial SOFA-Boot Integration SOFA-RPC

The body of the

1. Call method

SOFA-RPC provides four call mechanisms: one-way call, synchronous call, asynchronous call and callback. In order to distinguish the differences between the four, here is the schematic diagram provided by SOFA official.

Details and configuration instructions are as follows:

1.1. One-way mode

After the current thread initiates the call, it does not care about the call result, does not do timeout control, as long as the request has been issued, the call will be completed. Bolt protocol is currently supported.

Configuration instructions

To use one-way mode, you need to declare the call mode oneway with sofa:global-attrs element’s type attribute at the time of the service reference, so that one-way mode is used when invoking the service reference.

<sofa:reference id="helloOneWayServiceReference" interface="com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.invoke.HelloOneWayService">
        <sofa:global-attrs type="oneway"/>
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Applicable scenario

One-way calls do not guarantee success, and the initiator has no way of knowing the result of the call. Therefore, it is usually used in the scenario of retry or periodic notification. The invocation process may fail due to network problems or machine faults. Service scenarios can be used only when they accept such exception scenarios.

1.2. Synchronization mode

After the current thread initiates the call, wait for the response result within the specified timeout period to complete the call. If no result is returned within the timeout, a timeout exception is thrown.

Configuration instructions

Service interfaces and implementation classes

SOFA-RPC uses synchronous call by default and can omit SOFA :global-attrs configuration item.

The server publishes the configuration

<bean id="helloSyncServiceImpl" class="com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.invoke.HelloSyncServiceImpl"/>
<sofa:service ref="helloSyncServiceImpl" interface="com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.invoke.HelloSyncService">
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Client reference configuration

<sofa:reference id="helloSyncServiceReference" interface="com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.invoke.HelloSyncService">
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Server startup entry

SpringApplication springApplication = new SpringApplication(SyncServerApplication.class);
ApplicationContext applicationContext =;
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Client startup entry

SpringApplication springApplication = new SpringApplication(SyncClientApplication.class);
ApplicationContext applicationContext =;
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Client call

HelloSyncService helloSyncServiceReference = (HelloSyncService) applicationContext.getBean("helloSyncServiceReference");
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Applicable scenario

Synchronous invocation is the most common approach. Set the timeout period appropriately based on the peer processing capability.

1.3. The way of the Future

In the Future mode, the client does not wait for the result of the server after invoking and continues to execute the subsequent service logic. The result returned by the server is cached by SOFA-RPC. When the client needs the result, it needs to obtain it actively. Bolt protocol is currently supported.

Configuration instructions

Service interfaces and implementation classes

public interface HelloFutureService {
    String sayFuture(String future);
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public class HelloFutureServiceImpl implements HelloFutureService {
    public String sayFuture(String future) {
        returnfuture; }}Copy the code

The server publishes the configuration

<bean id="helloFutureServiceImpl" class="com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.invoke.HelloFutureServiceImpl"/>
<sofa:service ref="helloFutureServiceImpl" interface="com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.invoke.HelloFutureService">
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Client reference configuration

To use the Future method, you need to declare the Future method when the service is referenced via the TYPE attribute of the SOFA :global-attrs element.

<sofa:reference id="helloFutureServiceReference" interface="com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.invoke.HelloFutureService">
        <sofa:global-attrs type="future"/>
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This is the Future approach used when invoking the service reference.

Server startup entry

SpringApplication springApplication = new SpringApplication(FutureServerApplication.class);
ApplicationContext applicationContext =;
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Client startup entry

SpringApplication springApplication = new SpringApplication(FutureClientApplication.class);
ApplicationContext applicationContext =;
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The client can obtain the returned result in two ways:

  • One, throughSofaResponseFutureGet the results directly. The first parameter is the timeout to get the result, and the second parameter indicates whether the result in the thread context is cleared.
HelloFutureService helloFutureServiceReference = (HelloFutureService) applicationContext

try {
    String result = (String)SofaResponseFuture.getResponse(1000.true);
    System.out.println("Future result: " + result)
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
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  • Second, get the native Future. This method takes the JDK’s native Future, and the argument indicates whether to clear the result in the thread context. The way you get the result is the way you get the JDK Future.
HelloFutureService helloFutureServiceReference = (HelloFutureService) applicationContext

try {
    Future future = SofaResponseFuture.getFuture(true);
    String result = (String)future.get(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    System.out.println("Future result: " + result)
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
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Applicable scenario

The Future approach applies to non-blocking programming patterns. After the client program is processed, it is not necessary to obtain the return result immediately. Instead, the subsequent program code execution can be completed first, and the call return result can be actively obtained from the current thread context in subsequent services. Reduces the blocking and latency of code execution caused by network IO waits.

1.4. Callback mode

If the current thread initiates the call, the call ends immediately and the next call can be executed immediately. To initiate the call, you need to register a callback that allocates an asynchronous thread pool. When the response returns, the callback logic is executed in the callback’s asynchronous thread pool.

Configuration instructions

Service interfaces and implementation classes

public interface HelloCallbackService {
    String sayCallback(String callback);
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public class HelloCallbackServiceImpl implements HelloCallbackService {
    public String sayCallback(String string) {
        returnstring; }}Copy the code

Business callback class

The client callback class needs to implement com. Alipay. Sofa. RPC. Core. Invoke. SofaResponseCallback interface.

public class CallbackImpl implements SofaResponseCallback {
    public void onAppResponse(Object appResponse, String methodName, RequestBase request) {
        System.out.println("callback client process:" + appResponse);

    public void onAppException(Throwable throwable, String methodName, RequestBase request) {}@Override
    public void onSofaException(SofaRpcException sofaException, String methodName, RequestBase request) {}}Copy the code

The SofaResponseCallback interface provides three methods:

  • OnAppResponse: Enter this callback method if the program is running properly.
  • OnAppException: The callback method is entered when the server program throws an exception.
  • OnSofaException: The callback method is entered when an error occurs within the framework.

The server publishes the configuration

<bean id="helloCallbackServiceImpl" class="helloFutureServiceReference" interface="com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.invoke.HelloCallbackServiceImpl"/>
<sofa:service ref="helloCallbackServiceImpl" interface="helloFutureServiceReference" interface="com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.invoke.HelloCallbackService">
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Client reference configuration

The type attribute of the SOFA :global-attrs element is used to declare a callback when the service is referenced. Callback-ref is used to declare the implementation class of the callback.

<bean id="callbackImpl" class="com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.invoke.CallbackImpl"/>
<sofa:reference id="helloCallbackServiceReference"
        <sofa:global-attrs type="callback" callback-ref="callbackImpl"/>
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This is the callback method used when invoking the service reference. When the result is returned, the corresponding method of the callback class is automatically called by SOFA-RPC.

Server startup entry

SpringApplication springApplication = new SpringApplication(CallbackServerApplication.class);
ApplicationContext applicationContext =;
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Client startup entry

SpringApplication springApplication = new SpringApplication(CallbackClientApplication.class);
ApplicationContext applicationContext =;
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The client initiates the call

HelloCallbackService helloCallbackServiceReference = (HelloCallbackService) applicationContext

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
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The return value of sayCallback() should not be fetched directly. In a callback class registered with the client, the return value is passed in as an argument to the correct method, which is then called back to complete the subsequent logical processing.

Applicable scenario

The Callback approach works well with asynchronous non-blocking programming patterns. The thread of the client program initiates the call and continues to perform subsequent operations without actively fetching the return value. The server program completes processing and returns the return value to an asynchronous thread pool, where the child threads handle the return value via the callback function. Greatly reduce network IO blocking, solve the bottleneck of single thread, realize asynchronous programming.

2. Generalization calls

The generic invocation method, which can be invoked by the client without relying on the server’s interface, currently supports bolt. We do not know the interface of the server, so we need to describe the interface of the server, the method called, the parameter, and the result class in a string.

Configuration instructions

Generalization parameter class

public class SampleGenericParamModel {
    private String name;
    public String getName(a) {
        return name;
    public void setName(String name) { = name; }}Copy the code

The generalization returns the class

public class SampleGenericResultModel {
    private String name;
    private String value;
    public String getName(a) {
        return name;
    public void setName(String name) { = name;
    public String getValue(a) {
        return value;
    public void setValue(String value) {
        this.value = value; }}Copy the code

Service interfaces and implementation classes

public interface SampleGenericService {
    SampleGenericResultModel sayGeneric(SampleGenericParamModel sampleGenericParamModel);
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  • SampleGenericParamModel: As the input parameter type of sayGeneric(), there is a name member variable, which is the actual method entry parameter.

  • SampleGenericResultModel: As the return type of sayGeneric(), the name and value member variables are declared as the actual return values.

public class SampleGenericServiceImpl implements SampleGenericService {
    public SampleGenericResultModel sayGeneric(SampleGenericParamModel sampleGenericParamModel) {
        String name = sampleGenericParamModel.getName();
        SampleGenericResultModel resultModel = new SampleGenericResultModel();
        resultModel.setValue("sample generic value");
        returnresultModel; }}Copy the code

The server publishes the configuration

<bean id="sampleGenericServiceImpl" class="com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.generic.SampleGenericServiceImpl"/>
<sofa:service ref="sampleGenericServiceImpl" interface="com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.generic.SampleGenericService">
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Client reference configuration

<sofa:reference id="sampleGenericServiceReference" interface="">
        <sofa:global-attrs generic-interface="com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.generic.SampleGenericService"/>
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There are two things to note about the client configuration during the generalization call:

  • sofa:referenceThe service interface pointed to needs to declare the generic interface provided for
  • sofa:global-attrsYou need to declare propertiesgeneric-interfaceValue indicates the actual service interface name.

Server startup entry

SpringApplication springApplication = new SpringApplication(SampleGenericServerApplication.class);
ApplicationContext applicationContext =;
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Client startup entry

SpringApplication springApplication = new SpringApplication(SampleGenericClientApplication.class);
ApplicationContext applicationContext =;
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The client initiates the call

  • Gets a generalized reference to the service
GenericService sampleGenericServiceReference = (GenericService) applicationContext
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  • Preparation Method Parameters

Because the client does not have to invoke the service parameters, so by com. Alipay. The hessian. Generic. Model. GenericObjectGenericObject is described.

// Prepare method parameters
GenericObject genericParam = new GenericObject(
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GenericObject holds a variable of type Map

. You can describe a parameter class by putting its attributes and values into the Map via the putField() method provided by GenericObject.

  • Initiate a generalization call

The $genericInvoke(arg1, AGR2, arg3) method of GenericService can initiate a generalized call to the service. The parameters are as follows:

parameter meaning Parameters can be chosen
arg1 Target method name mandatory
arg2 An array of parameter types, in strict order mandatory
arg3 An array of parameter values that must be consistent with the array of parameter types mandatory
arg4 The Class type of the return value optional


GenericObject genericResult = (GenericObject) sampleGenericServiceReference.$genericInvoke(
    // Target method name
    "sayGeneric".// Parameter type name
    new String[] { "com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.generic.SampleGenericParamModel" },
    // The value of the parameter
    new Object[] { genericParam });

// Verify the return result
System.out.println("Type: " + genericResult.getType());
System.out.println("Name: " + genericResult.getField("name"));
System.out.println("Value: " + genericResult.getField("value"));
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Method 2:

SampleGenericResultModel sampleGenericResult = sampleGenericServiceReference.$genericInvoke(
    // Target method name
    "sayGeneric".// Parameter type name
    new String[] { "com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.generic.SampleGenericParamModel" },
    // The value of the parameter
    new Object[] { genericParam },
    // Return the Class type of the value

// Verify the return result
System.out.println("Type: " + sampleGenericResult.getClass().getName());
System.out.println("Name: " + sampleGenericResult.getName());
System.out.println("Value: " + sampleGenericResult.getValue());
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View console output

The two output modes are as follows:

Type: com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.generic.SampleGenericResultModel
Name: Harrison
Value: sample generic value
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3. Configure filters

SOFA-RPC intercepts request and response through Filter. Users can customize Filter to achieve interception extension, currently supports bolt protocol. Developers through inheritance com. Alipay. Sofa. RPC. Filter. The filter implement custom filters.

Configuration instructions

Service interfaces and implementation classes

public interface FilterService {
    String sayFilter(String filter);
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public class FilterServiceImpl implements FilterService {
    public String sayFilter(String filter) {
        returnfilters; }}Copy the code

Server filter

In the Filter implementation class, the invoke() method implements concrete interception logic. Filterinvoker.invoke (SofaRequest) triggers the invocation of the service, and concrete interception processing can be implemented before and after the method.

public class SampleServerFilter extends Filter {
    public SofaResponse invoke(FilterInvoker invoker, SofaRequest request) throws SofaRpcException {
        System.out.println("SampleFilter before server process");
        try {
            return invoker.invoke(request);
        } finally {
            System.out.println("SampleFilter after server process"); }}}Copy the code

The server publishes the configuration

The server needs to configure the service implementation class and filter, and then configure the filter attribute on the SOFA :global-attrs tag of sofa: Service to bind the two.

<bean id="sampleFilter" class="com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.filter.SampleServerFilter"/>
<bean id="filterService" class="com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.filter.FilterServiceImpl"/>
<sofa:service ref="filterService" interface="com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.filter.FilterService">
        <sofa:global-attrs filter="sampleFilter"/>
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Client-side filter

public class SampleClientFilter extends Filter {
    public SofaResponse invoke(FilterInvoker invoker, SofaRequest request) throws SofaRpcException {
        System.out.println("SampleFilter before client invoke");
        try {
            return invoker.invoke(request);
        } finally {
            System.out.println("SampleFilter after client invoke"); }}}Copy the code

Client reference configuration

Similarly, the client filter needs to be configured with the filter attribute in sofa:global-attrs tag of SOFA: Reference to implement invocation interception of the client reference class.

<bean id="sampleFilter" class=""/>
<sofa:reference id="filterServiceReference" interface="com.ostenant.sofa.rpc.example.filter.FilterService">
        <sofa:global-attrs filter="sampleFilter"/>
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The server startup class

SpringApplication springApplication = new SpringApplication(FilterServerApplication.class);
ApplicationContext applicationContext =;
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Client startup class

SpringApplication springApplication = new SpringApplication(FilterClientApplication.class);
ApplicationContext applicationContext =;
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Client call

FilterService filterServiceReference = (FilterService) applicationContext.getBean("filterServiceReference");
try {
    // Sleep 5s, easy to observe filter effect
} catch (InterruptedException e) {

String result = filterServiceReference.sayFilter("filter");
System.out.println("Invoke result: " + result);
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View interception output

  • The server prints the output
SampleFilter before server process
SampleFilter after server process
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  • The client prints the output
SampleFilter before client invoke
SampleFilter after client invoke
Invoke result: filter
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Filter configuration takes effect. The sequence of filter interception is as follows:

  1. The client initiates the call -> client front-end interception -> server front-end interception
  2. Server-side method execution
  3. Server backend interception -> client backend interception -> client receives the return value


This paper introduces the centralized call mode of SOFA-RPC, including one-way call, synchronous call, Future call and callback, introduces the unique generalization call mechanism of SOFA-RPC, and briefly introduces the configuration of filter.

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