The TIOBE list of programming languages in December 2018 has been released. Python is back in the top 3, Go is out of the top 10, and Visual Basic.NET has increased significantly and remains in the fifth place.

TIOBE ranks are based on the number of experienced programmers, courses and third party vendors on the Internet, using search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo! And Wikipedia, Amazon, and YouTube to compile ranking data reflecting the popularity of a particular programming language.

Of all the top 20 programming languages in the world, which are the most difficult to learn?

Many people have different opinions about what exactly is hard to learn, and there are different measurements.

This article is from a brand new! Indisputable!! To analyze the degree to which each programming language is learned.

I’ve narrowed the list down to 10 of the most difficult languages to learn: Java, C, Python, C++,.net, JavaScript, PHP, Objective-C, Go, AND R.

Let’s see how these 10 languages rank in terms of difficulty to learn.

The word

R, a free software programming language and operating environment, mainly used for statistical analysis, mapping, data mining. R is a GNU project based on THE S language, so it can also be used as an implementation of THE S language. Generally, code written in S language can run in the R environment without modification. The syntax for R comes from Scheme.

Nomination word

George Ross Ihaka, Associate professor in the Department of Statistics, University of Auckland, is the original author of R.

No reason to

The author’s hair density: 100%

The word

Python is a widely used high-level programming language and a general-purpose programming language. As an interpreted language, Python’s design philosophy emphasizes code readability and concise syntax. Python allows developers to express ideas in much less code than C++ or Java. The language tries to make the structure of a program clear, whether it is small or large.

Nomination word

Guido van Rossum is a computer programmer. He was the original designer and principal architect of the Python programming language.

No reason to

The author’s hair density: 95%

The word

C is a universal programming language, widely used in the development of system software and application software. C language has the characteristics of high efficiency, flexibility, rich functions, strong expression and high portability. C compilers are widely used in various operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, Unix and so on. The design of C influenced many later programming languages, such as C++, Objective-C, Java, C#, etc.

Nomination word

Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie is an American computer scientist. He is commonly known in hacker circles as “DMR”. He was the creator of the C language, a key developer of the Unix operating system, and had a profound impact on computing. He shared the Turing Award with Ken Thompson in 1983.

No reason to

Author’s hair density: 85% (+ beard)

The word

Go (also known as Golang) is a statically strongly typed, compiled, syntactic, and garbage collector programming language developed by Google. Go’s syntax is similar to C, but the declaration of variables is different. Go supports garbage collection.

Nomination word

Robert C. Pike, author of Go: a programmer from Canada who joined Bell LABS as part of the UNIX group. He co-developed UTF-8 with Ken Thompson. He is currently an engineer at Google, working on the programming languages Go and Sawzall.

No reason to

The author’s hair density: 80%

The word

JavaScript, often abbreviated JS, is a high-level, interpretive programming language. JavaScript is a prototype-based, function-first language. It is a multi-paradigm language that supports object-oriented programming, imperative programming, and functional programming. It has been standardized by ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association) through ECMAScript. It is used by the vast majority of the world’s websites and is supported by the world’s major browsers (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera).

Nomination word

Brendan Eich is an American programmer and entrepreneur. He is the main creator and architect of JavaScript. He was chief technology officer and briefly CEO of Mozilla.

No reason to

The author’s hair density: 75%

The word

Objective-c is a general purpose, high-level, object-oriented programming language. It extends the standard ANSI C programming language to include Smalltalk-style messaging mechanisms in ANSI C. The main compilers currently supported are GCC and Clang (with LLVM as the back end).

Nomination word

Objective-c by Brad Cox, an American computer scientist. He majored in chemistry and mathematics at Furman University and received his Ph.D. in mathematical biology from the University of Chicago. Objective-c lead author.

No reason to

The author’s hair density: 70%

The word

PHP (full name: PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is an open source general-purpose computer scripting language, especially suitable for web development and embedded in HTML. PHP’s syntax is easy for the average programmer to learn by borrowing features from popular computer languages such as C, Java, and Perl. The primary goal of PHP is to allow web developers to write dynamic pages quickly, but PHP is also used in many other areas.

Nomination word

Rasmus Lerdorf: Born in Kikaitasuwak, Greenland, is a Danish programmer who holds Canadian citizenship. He was also the founder of the programming language PHP, the first two versions of which he wrote, and later worked on subsequent versions of PHP.

No reason to

The author’s hair density: 60%

The word

Java is a widely used computer programming language, with cross-platform, object-oriented, generic programming characteristics, widely used in enterprise Web application development and mobile application development. The Java programming language is a simple, object-oriented, distributed, interpretive, robust, security-independent, portable, high-performance, multithreaded, and dynamic language.

Nomination word

James Gosling is a Canadian-born software expert and co-founder of the Java programming language. He is generally considered the “father of Java”.

No reason to

The author’s hair density: 50%

The word

C++ is a widely used computer programming language. It is a general-purpose programming language that supports multiple programming patterns, such as procedural programming, data abstraction, object-oriented programming, generic programming, and design patterns.

Nomination word

Bjarne Stroustrup, C++ author: born in Aarhus, Denmark, computer scientist. He is known for creating the C++ programming language and is known as the “father of C++”.

No reason to

The author’s hair density: 40%

The word

Visual (VB.NET) is. NET Framework under the Framework of a multiple programming paradigm high-level language. Visual belongs to the Basic family of languages. Its syntax features are very friendly English words based identification, and very similar to natural language logical expression. Sometimes you feel that writing VB.NET code is like writing English sentences. VB.NET seems to be the most advanced programming language, and it is certainly by far the most powerful in the Basic family of languages.

Nomination word

Alan Cooper, author of Visual Basic.NET, is an advocate of interaction design. Cooper is sometimes called the father of Visual Basic, and although most of the work was done internally by Microsoft’s development team, the idea for the Visual design tool for Windows came from Cooper.

No reason to

The author’s hair density: 0%

These are the top ten most difficult programming languages to learn in the world. The organizing committee of this competition believes that the more sparse the author’s hair is, the more hair he has to lose in the process of learning this language. Therefore, it is inferred that this language is more difficult to learn.

This list is for fun, and if it’s similar, it’s hell. Finally, I hope everyone can protect their hair well!

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