IT famous Nicholas Dragon once said: now do Android development, has been a good opportunity, there are a lot of mature framework on the Internet, we should make full use of these, the so-called predecessors plant trees for descendants to enjoy the shade, most of the time do not need to understand too much principle, just stand on the giant’s ding Ding.

Good morning, SAO Nian, I’m Wu Xiaolong. My public account “Cainiao Turn over” will recommend interesting projects on GitHub. One minute get is an excellent open source project to explore the value of open source.

The Bottom Navigation bar is one of the most commonly used functions of the APP. I think at the beginning, I customized the ViewGroup. Later, I used RadioButton and Google official TabLayout and Bottom Navigation in Material Design. TabLayout can also be implemented. If the design allows, Bottom Navigation can be used directly, which is the simplest and easiest. About TabLayout and Bottom Navigation, Wu Xiaolong has introduced it in detail, see: Android Design Support Library TabLayout and Android Design Support Library BottomNavigation, I will not introduce here, Today I’d like to highlight three cool bottom navigation bars THAT I’ve seen on GitHub. The ones that made me cry out, “Oh, my God, 666.”


Introduction to the

Android’s other Material Design Bottom Navigation library, all Design and inspiration comes from Ranjit.

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Introduction to the

Simple & Bending & Material Bottom Navigation for Android written by Kotlin.

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Introduction to the

Written with Flutter, you can easily animate the curved navigation bar.

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