At the end of the year, we will be busy doing all kinds of data reports: I did XXX this year, must write a reasonable basis, with good-looking charts.

When I was working in Tencent and Ali, at the end of the year, all kinds of statements would be drawn up and aligned. If I followed the traditional statements, such as Excel, it would be impossible to make such statements.

But I’m a developer, doing big data, how can I not save a little bit of trouble? Python automation, collect some data from Excel or from a database, format the data and make reports.

But this way is not everyone will, because it is too difficult, and really want to do a good report, the vast majority of people will not choose this way, looking at automation, actually ha ha.

I often hear people say, this report is so ugly, so ugly, what is it doing?

In fact, I would say that whether the report is ugly or not depends on who looks at it.

I am divided into basic level, middle level, high level, everyone’s needs are different, specific want to analyze the case.

Think again, this is not true, broadly speaking, there are two types of people: those who make statements and those who read statements, those who look at middle level and those who look at top level, to some extent, are almost the same.

What kind of report do the middle and upper management like to read?

At first glance feel black technology, upgraded version of statements! Next can someone say fancy, this is match color stop, see index just is core.

It can also become a large visual screen, if just to fool the boss, why more and more people, companies are doing it?

How does basic level do report form? This problem can be large or small. On the large scale, it can be raised to a systematic reporting system, and on the small scale, it is something that several mature tools can solve.

Before making a report, you need to know what a report is, which can be divided into static reports and dynamic reports.

1. Static reports

Regular edition:

A little better:

I think most of you are, and I think it’s pretty common to see a chart like this in a powerpoint presentation, and I have to say, it’s almost as if it hasn’t been updated for this age.

2. Dynamic reports

It obviously feels different. The above reports are all produced by FineReport.

As I said before, reporting is not that complicated at all, and it saves you more time than data governance, infrastructure, or a reporting tool.

Based on my experience in the past few years, I have made an evaluation of the current mainstream report tools on the market, which is not completely a report tool, but a big data analysis tool evaluation, but they are all capable of making reports, and the charts can be directly put into THE PPT.

1, the Tableau

Visualization is really awesome. It’s ok for you to do analysis, but LET me say one thing: it can’t do reports. It can’t ask people who don’t know how to code to do reports.

So here, I’m going to skip it, and a foreign app, you know.


Now all talk about localization localization, Ali is going to IOE, MATLAB is banned, all these remind us to prepare, if there is no substitute, it will be a blow.

Moreover, in the case of BI, it is not just a substitute, which I will not elaborate on here.

3, FineReport

Those open source tools, evaluation is not interesting, take open source things to do reports, is pit, take the code to develop, is pit, the late maintenance is boring to death.

On the commercial side, I don’t see FineReport competing. Why?

You know Excel, you know FineReport, and that’s how it’s designed to be seamless when it comes to converting tools.

The ability of FineReport to connect to mainstream databases and relational databases is very important because you can’t connect to the database directly, but reports often change the data and requirements.

Data map, data reporting, linkage analysis, secondary development, these use of time consuming code, FineReport may be a simple module.

Let me address your question. There are still many people who think the simpler the better, and the bigger the chart is, the less useful it is.

To this question, I can only say that the chart is simple and complex, and it is right to sort out the indicator logic behind the chart.

The report tool is FineReport, which can be obtained by replying to “Report”.