The operating environment of this article is centOS 7

Install through yum

1, Add nginx to yum Repro library [root@izbp1b498epn4trb75oykez ~]# rpm -Uvh, check nginx information [root@izbp1b498epn4trb75oykez ~]# yum info nginx3, install ngnix with yum [root@izbp1b498epn4trb75oykez ~]# yum -y install nginx4, Start nginx [root@izbp1b498epn4trb75oykez ~]# systemctl start nginx
Copy the code

Nginx configuration

  • If you are following me step-by-step, your Nginx configuration file address should be the same as mine
[root@izbp1b498epn4trb75oykez ~]# vi /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.confAdd a new server that listens on port 80 and forwards requests from to port 4355 server {listen 80; server_name; location / { proxy_pass_header Server; proxy_set_header Host$http_host;

        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

        proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme; Proxy_pass; }}Copy the code
  • Save the configuration and exit. Then restart nginx for the configuration to take effect
[root@izbp1b498epn4trb75oykez conf.d]# systemctl reload nginx.service
Copy the code

Domain name A Records are resolved to the server IP address

Four, extension,

CentOS 7 Run the systemctl start service name. service command to start a service

Eg: Start nginx systemctl start nginx.service

To stop a service, run the systemctl stop command

Eg: Stop nginx systemctl stop nginx.service

To restart a service, run the systemctl restart command

Displays the status of a service: systemctl status Service name.service

Run the systemctl enable command to start a service

To disable a service during startup: systemctl disable Service name.service

Five, the subsequent

  • Nginx installation and configuration end, next chapter will be about Linux installation node and PM2 deployment nodeJS service, if there is any error welcome to the comment area. 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉

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