The answers are in the complete handout, just the questions.

The only difference is that I bet on fewer questions, rather than tactics, so it’s easier to help you get to the point.

Last year, we added TypeScript and React chapters, removed some outdated topics, and added two additional topics: “JS garbage Collection” and “Eventloop,” which are currently on sale.

Matters needing attention

  1. “Many” company interview questions are perennial do not update, “may” you search the company in previous years, you can guess this year’s topic, more accurate than the topic, so recommend you first search previous years
  2. Many interviewers’ knowledge is not updated all the year round. You should not answer too “radical” or “novel”, but should understand the public’s ideas
  3. The specific answers can be searched (do not use Baidu, but Google).
  4. I strongly recommend that you answer all the “required” questions by yourself before the interview, and please tell me if it is useful


  1. How do you understand HTML semantics?
  2. What does meta ViewPort do?
  3. What HTML 5 tags have you used?
  4. What is H5?


  1. Compulsory examination: two kinds of box model say respectively.
  2. Compulsory test: how to center vertically?
  3. How to use Flex?
  4. Required test: What is BFC?
  5. CSS selector priority
  6. Clear float for a moment

Native JS

  1. ES 6 grammar: What do you know about ES 6 grammar?
  2. Promise, Promise. All, Promise. Race.
  3. Required test: handwriting function tremble and function throttling
  4. Required test: Handwritten AJAX
  5. What is this in this code?
  6. Required test: What is a closure/immediate function?
  7. Required questions: What is JSONP, what is CORS, and what is cross-domain?
  8. How to use async/await to catch exceptions?
  9. How to implement deep copy?
  10. Trim () : How do I implement trim() with re?
  11. How to implement inheritance without class? How do you do that with class?
  12. How to implement array deduplication?
  13. Give up: ==
  14. Send a proposition: Write a Promise by hand


  1. Required test: event delegation
  2. Write a dragable div with the mouse event


  1. What do HTTP status codes know? What do they mean?
  2. What are the types of HTTP caches?
  3. GET and POST
  4. Cookie V.S. LocalStorage V.S. SessionStorage V.S. Session

Framework Vue

  1. What is the difference between a watch and computed and methods?
  2. What lifecycle hook functions does Vue have? What’s the use of separation?
  3. How does Vue communicate between components?
  4. How to do Vue data response?
  5. What is vue.set used for?
  6. How do you use the Vuex?
  7. How did you use the VueRouter?
  8. What is a route guard?

Frame the React

  1. Required test: Controlled components V.S. Uncontrolled components
  2. React: What life cycle functions does React have? What’s the use of separation? (At what stage are Ajax requests placed?)
  3. React Allows components to communicate with each other.
  4. ShouldComponentUpdate: shouldComponentUpdate
  5. What is the virtual DOM?
  6. Required test: What are higher-order components?
  7. How does React Diff work?
  8. What is a Redux?
  9. How does CONNECT work?


  1. What is the never type?
  2. What advantages does TypeScript have over JavaScript?


  1. What are the most common Loaders and plugins you have used?
  2. What is the difference between loader and plugin?
  3. Compulsory: How do I load code on demand?
  4. Required Test: How to improve build speed?
  5. What if escaped files are too large?

Please look at the good reference for these five problems:


  1. Required test: What is XSS? How to prevent it?
  2. What is CSRF? How to prevent it?

Open questions

  1. Must test: What was the most difficult problem you faced?
  2. What was your outstanding contribution to the team?
  3. What new technologies are you looking at
  4. Have seen what source code, looked after what memory deep place, what harvest

A tough questions

  1. Code [1, 2, 3]. The map (parseInt)
  2. Var a = {name: ‘a’} a.x = a = {}
  3. (a ==1 && a== 2 && a==3)Can it be true?

Super class topic

  1. JS garbage collection mechanism
  2. The Eventloop says

Personalized topic

  • PWA
  • echarts.js / d3.js
  • three.js
  • flutter
  • SSR

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