Currently, there are not many ARKit developers, and in the development process, when we encounter complex effects, we often feel at a loss where to start. In addition to the code in the official Demo, there are many third-party libraries on Github, which are of high quality and very helpful for our development.

ARKit effect collection

  • Awesome-ARKit Includes a series of AR open source projects, apps on the App Store, AR tutorial articles, and related resources. In addition to a few items that are relatively old and have not been updated for a long time, the whole contains a variety of common AR effects, which are very valuable for reference.

  • ARKit-Sampler ARKit-Sampler is a collection of ARKit 1.0 and ARKit 1.5 effect demos developed by the author. From the simplest how to create AR projects, how to recognize the plane and place virtual objects, to AR ruler, AR drawing, and then to Core ML + ARKit, Metal + ARKit effect.

  • Arkit-emperor arkit-Emperor is a series of effects demos developed by another developer based on ARKit 2.0, including AR drawing, animation effects, particle effects, physics engines, Shader apps, and more.

Route indication and navigation

  • Arkit-corelocation arkit-CoreLocation is the use of ARKit world tracking and CoreLocation GPS positioning to comprehensively achieve AR navigation project, the overall effect is very good.

  • Arkit-scnpath ARkit-SCNPATH is the use of ARKit plane recognition function on the ground to draw the guide demo, its advantage lies in the realization of object occlusion.

Dachang open source project

  • HeadGazeLib is an open source project from eBay that uses the iPhoneX’s front-facing camera to track eye movements to operate the phone’s screen.

  • Arcore-ios-sdk is a Google project that supports cloud anchor points and face recognition and tracking. It extends AR face recognition to non-iphone X series. Instead of using the front-facing TrueDepth camera, face tracking can be done with a normal camera and is compatible with ARKit.

3D alignment effect

  • HexLib HexLib is a well-known honeycomb permutation framework that enables us to implement complex permutations. It can be used in combination with AR and 3D. Here’s the OC version.

  • HexasphereDemo HexasphereDemo is similar to the above effect, except for the spherical version.