
A good-looking app with a high level of appearance is often unable to do without a variety of good-looking animations. However, complex animation effects can be described as every programmer’s nightmare. The author specially collected 10 iOS Swift animation frames that let you regret so much, to help you easily and efficiently handle animations!

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No.1 Lottie

Airbnb’s open source animation framework for rendering AE vector animation has multi-platform versions. Through AE plug-ins, the animation is directly exported to JSON files for use on the client, and the realization of animation functions is completely returned to the designer, so as to bid farewell to performance-consuming frame animation.

No.2 Spring

Spring is an easy-to-use animation framework that supports direct manipulation in storyboards. You don’t even need to write a line of code to create any animation effects!

Animation Curve Properties
shake spring force
pop linear duration
morph easeIn delay
squeeze easeOut damping
wobble easeInOut velocity

No.3 Material

Material is a UI/UX framework for creating beautiful apps. Its animation system has been completely redesigned with Motion, providing multiple Material Design style controls to make it easy to implement Material Design style on iOS apps!

Color Library Cards FABMenu
Icons TextField Tabs
Chips SearchBar NavigationController
NavigationDrawer BottomNavigationBar

No.4 RazzleDazzle

RazzleDazzle is a simple automatic layout friendly iOS keyframe animation framework for rolling applications.

Animation Types
AlphaAnimation BackgroundColorAnimation
RotationAnimation ScaleAnimation
TranslationAnimation CornerRadiusAnimation

No.5 Stellar

A great physics animation library, based on and extended to UIDynamic, friendly API makes it easy to use it or customize your own animations.

Animations Animatable type Easing Curve
Basic Float Default
Gravity CGFloat EaseIn
Snap Double EaseOut
Attachment CGSize EaseInEaseOut
Push CGPoint Linear

No.6 Macaw

Powerful and easy to use vector graphics animation library, SVG support, complex animation implementation just a few lines of code!

No.7 Presentation

Looking for the easiest way to present content in an iOS app? Presentation will help you create tutorials, demos and any type of animated page with minimal effort.

No.8 Neon

Neon is a powerful UI layout framework built around how user interfaces are designed naturally and intuitively. No extra parts, no bad visual formatting language, no more automatic layout restrictions. We’re not robots, so why build our UI like we do?

No.9 fluid-interfaces

Natural gestures and animations inspired by “Designing Fluid Interfaces”.

Calculator Button Spring Animations Flashlight Button
Rubberbanding Acceleration Pausing Rewarding Momentum
FaceTime PiP Rotation

No.10 Sica

Simple interface Core Animation that runs type-safe animations sequentially or in parallel.

Animation AnimationPlayType EasingFunctions
CABasicAnimation sequentially linear
CATransition parallelly easeIn/Out

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