1 sharing on wechat
Sharing under wechat is completed by calling jS-SDK provided by wechat and guiding the user to click on the upper right corner. To use wechat jS-SDK, you need to introduce the following JS files:
<script src="/ /"></script>
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The code for setting the shared content is as follows:
debug: false.appId: 'AppID of public number'.timestamp: 'Timestamp'.nonceStr: 'Random string'.signature: 'signature'.jsApiList: ['onMenuShareTimeline'.'onMenuShareAppMessage'.'onMenuShareQQ'.'onMenuShareWeibo'.'onMenuShareQZone'.'showOptionMenu'.'hideAllNonBaseMenuItem'.'showAllNonBaseMenuItem']}); wx.ready(function() {
const share = {
title: 'Share title (show title only in moments)'.desc: 'Share content'.imgUrl: 'image URL'.link: 'Share link (preferably background JS secure domain name)'.success: function() {
hideMaskLayer(); // Share successfully, hide the float that guides the user to share
cancel: function() {}}; wx.onMenuShareAppMessage(share);// Wechat friends
wx.onMenuShareTimeline(share); / / circle of friends
wx.onMenuShareQQ(share); // QQ
wx.onMenuShareQZone(share); / / QQ space
wx.onMenuShareWeibo(share); // Tencent Weibo
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The parameters in wx.config are obtained by the server. For details, please refer to the wechat development document:… Note the effect of setting JS secure domain name in the background of public account is as follows:
2. Sharing by QQ/TIM
2.1 Sharing through THE JS API
There is also an API for setting up shared content under QQ (no special instructions below, also valid under TIM), which also needs to reference JSBridge related files first:
<script src="//"></script>
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The code for setting the shared content is as follows:
const share = {
title: 'Share title, maximum 45 bytes',
desc: 'Share content, Max. 60 bytes',
image_url: 'image URL',
share_url: 'Share links'
};, callback);
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Note that the length of the shared link cannot exceed 120 bytes and must be the same domain name as the page URL; otherwise, the setting does not take effect. The minimum number of pictures to share is 200 * 200, otherwise they will be filtered out when shared to Qzone. After setting the sharing content, THE SHARING panel of QQ can be invoked through API to avoid the process of guidance.
mqq.ui.showShareMenu(a);Copy the code
In another way, QQ provides monitoring of the event of clicking on the sharing platform. When clicking on the sharing platform in Native sharing panel, this event will be triggered, and QQ’s default sharing behavior will no longer be implemented. The code is as follows:
mqq.ui.setOnShareHandler(function (platform) {
title: 'Share title'.desc: 'Share content'.share_type: platform,
share_url: 'Share links'.image_url: 'image URL'.sourceName: Palm University of Technology.back: true
}, function() {}); });Copy the code
Platform indicates the sharing platform type, and the values are as follows:
Serial number | Sharing platform |
0 | QQ friends |
1 | QQ space |
2 | WeChat friends |
3 | Wechat moments |
2.2 Sharing using Meta Tags
QQ also supports setting meta tags to define shared content. By defining ItemProp to share content, we also introduced the Open Graph standard for better compatibility with other platforms. The code is as follows:
<meta itemprop="name" property="og:title" content="Share title">
<meta property="og:url" content="Share links">
<meta itemprop="image" property="og:image" content="Image URL">
<meta name="description" itemprop="description" property="og:description" content="Share description">
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Note that meta tags need to be server rendered output, generated by JS or modified invalid.
2.3 Evoke QQ Sharing through URL Scheme
QQ can also be invoked for sharing through URL Scheme. The advantage of this method is that QQ can be invoked for sharing in a non-QQ environment, but the disadvantage is that pictures cannot be set for sharing. The code is as follows:
const share = {
title: 'Share title'.desc: 'Share content'.share_url: 'Share links'
const url_scheme = '//share/to_fri? src_type=web&version=1&file_type=news&share_id=1103437993&title=' + Base64.encode(share.title) + '&thirdAppDisplayName=5o6M5LiK55CG5bel5aSn&url=' + Base64.encode(share.share_url) + '&description=' + Base64.encode(share.desc);
location.assign('mqqapi:' + url_scheme);
setTimeout(function() {
location.assign('timapi:' + url_scheme);
}, 2000);
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The shared parameters need to be Base64 encoded when spelled into the URL. In order to support sharing under TIM, we have introduced a delay function. If arousing QQ fails, this timer will execute arousing TIM, and it will not execute after arousing QQ successfully leaves this page. Both QQ and TIM are installed with priority to evoke QQ. The effect is as follows:
2.4 By sharing component urls
QQ space provides a Shared component (see:, through the analysis of the parameters of the component is available to share the URL. The code is as follows:
const share = {
title: 'Share title'.desc: 'Share content'.image_url: ['image URL'].share_url: 'Share links'
let image_urls = {
return encodeURIComponent(image);
location.replace('' + encodeURIComponent(share.share_url) + '&site= &title=' + share.title + '&pics=' + image_urls.join('|') + '&summary=' + share.desc);
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It can support the sharing of multiple images, image urls separated by vertical lines. The advantage of this method is that it also supports sharing in non-QQ environment. Non-qq users can log in to share, QQ can be free to share directly. The effect is as follows:
3. Sharing on Weibo
3.1 By sharing component urls
Weibo also provides a sharing component. Sharing parameters can be obtained by analyzing THE URL. The code is as follows:
const share = {
title: 'Share title'.image_url: 'image URL'.share_url: 'Share links'
location.replace('' + encodeURIComponent(share.share_url) + '&title=' + share.title + '&appkey=277159429&&ralateUid=1855112015&pic=' + share.image_url + '&searchPic=true');
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The appKey parameter is optional. If the weibo is set, the application name corresponding to the key sharing source will be displayed (the application can be registered at The ralateUid parameter is optional. If the user ID is specified, the user will be at the end of the microblog. SearchPic is used to control whether the page image is automatically climbed, and PIC does not coexist. The effect is as follows:
3.2 Automatically send tweets through the Microblog API
Weibo provides an API to send a tweet directly through the server call interface.
The parameters are as follows:
Will choose | Type and Scope | That number | |
access_token | is | string | OAuth authorization mode is mandatory. The parameter is obtained after OAuth authorization. |
status | is | string | The text content shared by users to weibo must be URL Encode, and the text cannot contain “# words inscription #”. At the same time, the text must contain at least one SHARED URL, and the domain name of the URL needs to be set in the background. |
pic | no | binary | Only JPEG, GIF, and PNG images can be shared on weibo, and the size of uploaded images is limited to 5M. When uploading an image, submit a request in POST modemultipart/form-data Encoding mode. |
rip | no | string | The real IP address of the user reported by the developer is in the form of |
For details, see: Weibo Open Platform
3.3 Sharing through THE JS API
Weibo also provides jS-SDK for invoking Native methods. Before using it, you need to apply for light applications on weibo open platform and set secure domain names. To use wechat jS-SDK, you need to introduce the following JS files:
<script src="//"></script>
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You also need to set initialization parameters first.
appkey: 'Light Application key',
debug: false,
timestamp: 'Timestamp',
noncestr: 'Random string',
signature: 'signature',
scope: ['openMenu'.'setMenuItems'.'menuItemSelected'.'setSharingContent']},function() {});Copy the code
There are three JS apis for sharing.
The API can tune up Native’s sharing panel.
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The API sets the content to share.
WeiboJS.invoke('openMenu', {
icon: share.title,
desc: share.desc,
icon: share.image_url
Copy the code
The API directly triggers clicking on the corresponding menu item in the Share panel.
WeiboJS.invoke('invokeMenuItem', {
code: platform
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Platform indicates the sharing platform type, and the values are as follows:
Serial number | Sharing platform |
1001 | |
1002 | Weibo circle of friends |
1003 | Twitter direct messages |
1004 | WeChat friends |
1005 | Wechat moments |
1006 | Micron friends |
1007 | Micron circle |
1008 | Make (bug) friends |
1009 | Movement of comings and gobs |
1010 | QQ friends |
1011 | QQ space |
1101 | SMS |
2001 | System browser |
2002 | Copy the link |
Sharing can be achieved by using API 1 + API 2 (best) or API 2 + API 3. For details, please refer to the development document of weibo: Light application H5 new…
4 Sharing by Alipay
Alipay also provides JS API, which can easily set sharing content and arouse Native sharing panel; The disadvantage is that it does not support sharing to QQ, wechat and other platforms. To use The JS-SDK of Alipay, the following JS files need to be introduced:
<script src="/ /"></script>
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The code is as follows:
const share = {
title: 'Share title'.content: 'Share content'.image: 'image URL'.url: 'Share links'.captureScreen: false.showToolBar: false
ap.share(share, function() {});Copy the code
The effect is as follows:
5 UC Browser Sharing
UC browser also provides JS APIS to call Native sharing, support for evoking sharing panels and sharing to specific platforms. The code is as follows:
const share = {
title: 'Share title'.desc: 'Share content'.image_url: 'image URL'.share_url: 'Share links'
const isiOS = /(iPhone|iPad|iPod)/.test(navigator.userAgent); // Determine the application platform
if (isiOS) {
if (ucbrowser.web_shareEX) {
title: share.title,
content: share.desc,
sourceUrl: share.share_url,
imageUrl: share.image_url,
source: Palm University of platform
} else {
ucbrowser.web_share(share.title, share.desc, share.share_url, platform, ' '.Palm University of Technology, share.image_url); }}else ucweb.startRequest('shell.page_share', [share.title, share.desc, share.share_url, platform, ' '.Palm University of Technology, share.image_url]);
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Platform indicates the sharing platform type, and the values are as follows:
Android number | IOS number | Sharing platform |
‘WechatFriends’ | ‘kWeixinFriend’ | WeChat friends |
‘WechatTimeline’ | ‘kWeixin’ | Wechat moments |
‘QQ’ | ‘kQQ’ | QQ friends |
‘Qzone’ | ‘kQZone’ | QQ space |
‘SinaWeibo’ | ‘kSinaWeibo’ | |
undefined | undefined | Share the panel |
The sharing panel will look like this:
Tune up your Twitter:
6 sharing by QQ browser
QQ browser also provides JS API to call Native sharing, and also supports evoking sharing panel, generating QR code and sharing to specific platform. First we need to import the following JS file:
<script src="//"></script>
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The code is as follows:{
title: share.title,
description: share.desc,
url: share.share_url,
img_url: share.image_url,
from: Palm University of Technology,
to_app: platform
Copy the code
Platform indicates the sharing platform type, and the values are as follows:
Serial number | Sharing platform |
1 | WeChat friends |
8 | Wechat moments |
4 | QQ friends |
3 | QQ space |
11 | |
5 | More and more |
7 | Generate qr code |
10 | Copy the link |
undefined | Share the panel |
The sharing panel will look like this:
7. Sharing of palm Engineering University
PDA is an App developed by our team. We also provide sharing capabilities through JSBridge. Handheld WebView container will inject token object before page loading, including sharing interface, Native end uses UMeng SDK to execute specific sharing logic. The advantage of this sharing method is that the Native sharing method is adopted. By calling QQ, wechat and Weibo platforms to give App open sharing ability, the sharing experience is the best, and the sharing source can be accurately displayed in QQ and other platforms (Handheld Technology University). Sharing interface:
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Platform indicates the sharing platform type, and the values are as follows:
Serial number | Sharing platform |
0 | Calling the Share panel |
1 | WeChat friends |
2 | Wechat moments |
3 | QQ friends |
4 | QQ space |
5 | Sina weibo |
Native will take a screenshot of the current page as a shared image.