Title description:

Differences between browser and Node event loops

Problem solving:

  • Idea 1:

  • One of the main differences is that the browser event loop and nodeJS event loop handle asynchronous events in a different order. Nodejs has micro events; Where Promise belongs to Micro Event, the asynchronous event is processed in a different order than the browser. Nodejs V11.0 has the same order between them

function test () {
    setTimeout((a)= > {
        Promise.resolve().then((a)= > {console.log('children2-1')})},0)
    setTimeout((a)= > {
        Promise.resolve().then((a)= > {console.log('children3-1')})},0)
    Promise.resolve().then((a)= > {console.log('children1')})


// The result of executing the above code below node11 (all macro tasks first, then micro tasks)
// start
// end
// children1
// children2
// children3
// children2-1
// children3-1

// The result of executing the above code on node11 and the browser (macro tasks and micro tasks in sequence)
// start
// end
// children1
// children2
// children2-1
// children3
// children3-1
Copy the code
  • Idea 2:

The browser

The order in which microtasks and macro tasks are executed in the browser is as follows:

  • Executing a Task (macro task)
  • Finish executing the Micro-Task queue (microtask)
  • And so the cycle continues

Html# event-Loops loops do not translate common macro tasks such as setTimeout, setInterval, script, I/O operations, UI rendering, etc. Common micro-tasks include: New Promise().then(callback), MutationObserver(new HTML5 feature), etc.


Node’s event loop is implemented by Libuv.

  • Timers: This stage executes the scheduled setTimeout() and setInterval() callbacks.
  • Pending callbacks: I/O callbacks that are deferred until the next iteration of the loop.
  • Idle, prepare: used only in the system.
  • Poll: Retrieves new I/O events. Performing I/ O-related callbacks (in almost all cases, except for closed callback functions, which are scheduled by timers and setImmediate()), node blocks here.
  • Check detection: The setImmediate() callback function executes here.
  • Close callbacks: some callback functions that are ready to be closed, such as socket.on(‘close’,…) .
The order in which microtasks and macro tasks are executed in Node

Before Node 10:

  • Complete all missions in a phase

  • Finish executing the nextTick queue

  • After executing the contents of the microtask queue Node 11:

  • This is consistent with the browser’s behavior of completing the microtask queue every time a macro task is executed.

  • Thought three? :

:point_down:~~~~ Feel free to add your answers in the comments below.

Read more:

  • The most complete Event Loop (Event Loop) mechanism and examples – digging gold
  • Do you really understand redraw and reflux?
  • From browser multi process to JS single thread, JS running mechanism is the most comprehensive combing
  • Processes and threads in Node.js

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