In front-end monitoring, JS error is a crucial monitoring point and indicator, as long as the collection and parsing stage is included
Because sourcemap and source file generation each have different policies
1. Build source files
1. Generate the hash in the file name
In this mode, the monitoring platform can directly read the source file corresponding to the sourcemap save, used during parsing
2. Add the hash or timestamp to the file URL search
In this way, the URL needs to be processed on the monitoring platform, and parameters in search are added to the file name for saving
3. No hash or timestamp is used
This requires the client to add the version number when reporting an error, upload the Sourcemap file to the server at build time, and retrieve the corresponding version when parsing
2. Sourcemap is generated
Sourcemap generation comes in a variety of configurations in Webpack, but with slightly different capabilities
In production, we cannot expose sourcemap files
There are several ways to safely restore the error stack at the same time
Method 1: Upload the SourcemAP file to the monitor server at build time and delete it
Method 2: use proxy server such as Nginx on the server side to restrict file access and only monitor server access
3. How to use sourcemap library for stack restore
The sourceMap repository address reports the error stack as follows
[{"url":""."func":"registerEventHandler"."args": []."line":29."column":12174},
{"url":""."func":"onEvent"."args": []."line":32."column":26680}]
Copy the code
The parsing process is as follows
1. Create the SourceMapCustomer object based on the sourcemap
var smc = await new sourceMap.SourceMapConsumer(mapfileData);
Copy the code
2. Obtain the source file and error row and column based on the stack information of each row
var po = smc.originalPositionFor({
line: line,
column: column
console.log(po)// line: 1, column:200, source: xxx.js
Copy the code
3. Obtain the source file information based on the contents and columns of the source file
var co = smc.sourceContentFor(po.source)
// co contains all the source code of the source file
var coList = co.split("\n")
// Select a line as required
Copy the code
4. Display the content on the monitoring platform
Read the original