
I started to write this framework 5 or 6 months ago when the company started a new project. After the verification and test of this project, we have been constantly improving it. I hereby share this framework for your reference and learning. Making the address

Do not need to follow the agreement, do not need to set up agent, do not need to implement proxy approach, only the code, can be a blank page for the integration of a UITableViwe/UICollectionView placeholder figure. self.tableView.ly_emptyView = [MyDIYEmpty diyNoDataEmpty];


  • 1 effect Display
  • Reference Examples
    • One line of code integrates the empty content view
    • 2. Freely select empty content elements
    • Customize empty content elements
    • 4. Customize the UI styles of elements
    • 5 Secondary Encapsulation
    • 6 Delay displaying emptyView
    • 7 Special requirements, manual control of emptyView display hide

1 effect Display

Reference Examples

One line of code integrates the empty content view

// Frame methods

self.tableView.ly_emptyView = [LYEmptyView emptyViewWithImageStr:@"noData"

TitleStr :@" No data yet, click reload"


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PS: You can double wrap the framework for simpler calls (the double wrap method is covered in Example 5 below)

// Double encapsulate method, call succinct

self.tableView.ly_emptyView = [MyDIYEmpty diyNoDataEmpty];

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Completely low coupling, adding this line of code to your project can be integrated. Whether the project is reloadData, INSERT, DELETE, etc., it doesn’t need to do anything else. This line of code can achieve the following effect

2. Freely select empty content elements

The interaction event can be SEL or block

SEL interaction events:

self.tableView.ly_emptyView = [LYEmptyView emptyActionViewWithImageStr:@"noData"

TitleStr :@" No data"

DetailStr :@" Please try again later!"

BtnTitleStr :@" reload"



Block interaction events:

self.tableView.ly_emptyView = [LYEmptyView emptyActionViewWithImageStr:@"noData"





// imageStr: placeholder image

// titleStr: title

// detailStr: Detailed description

// btnTitleStr: button title

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The framework provides four elements, and the corresponding elements can be displayed by passing in the string of the corresponding elements (the button display is provided by passing in the target, Action or btnClickBlock). You can combine them according to the requirements of the project

Customize empty content elements

In special cases, if the empty content state layout does not meet the requirements, you can customize it by using the method + (instancetype)emptyViewWithCustomView:(UIView *)customView; Passing in a View creates a custom emptyView

self.tableView.ly_emptyView = [LYEmptyView emptyViewWithCustomView:customView];

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4. Customize the UI styles of elements

It takes a lot of code to customize the UI style here, but don’t worry, in Example 5 we’ll show you how to wrap it twice, and then call it with only one line of code

// Initialize an emptyView

  LYEmptyView *emptyView = [LYEmptyView emptyActionViewWithImageStr:@"noData"

TitleStr :@" No data"

DetailStr :@" Please try again later!"

BtnTitleStr :@" reload"


// Vertical spacing of elements

  emptyView.subViewMargin = 20.f;

// Title color

  emptyView.titleLabTextColor = MainColor(90, 180, 160);

// Describe the color

  emptyView.detailLabTextColor = MainColor(180, 120, 90);

// Button background color

  emptyView.actionBtnBackGroundColor = MainColor(90, 180, 160);

// Set the empty content placeholder map

  self.tableView.ly_emptyView = emptyView;

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There are only a few common attributes listed here. For more information, go to LyemptyView.h

5 Secondary Encapsulation

In the example code in section 4, changing the style of emptyView requires individual property changes, which would be cumbersome and difficult to maintain if every interface in the project was written this way. The solution is to double wrap the library, and after the double wrap, manage the UI style separately for easy maintenance

1) Create a new class that inherits from LYEmptyView, such as MyDIYEmpty in demo
2) rewrite- (void)prepareMethod and modify the UI style of the element you want to change
- (void)prepare{

    [super prepare];


    self.titleLabFont = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:25];

    self.titleLabTextColor = MainColor(90, 180, 160);


    self.detailLabFont = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:17];

    self.detailLabTextColor = MainColor(180, 120, 90);

    self.detailLabMaxLines = 5;


    self.actionBtnBackGroundColor = MainColor(90, 180, 160);

    self.actionBtnTitleColor = [UIColor whiteColor];


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The two steps above achieve a separate management of the style calling method unchanged, except that the calling class becomes MYDiyEmpty

self.tableView.ly_emptyView = [MYDiyEmpty emptyActionViewWithImageStr:@"noData"

TitleStr :@" No data yet"

DetailStr :@" Please try again later!"

BtnTitleStr :@" reload"


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3) Further encapsulate the displayed element content, such as no data state graph and no network state graph

Define method + (InstanceType)diyNoDataEmpty in myDiyEmp.h; Implement the method in mydiyEmpty.m

+ (instancetype)diyNoDataEmpty{

    return [MyDIYEmpty emptyViewWithImageStr:@"noData"

TitleStr :@" No data yet"

DetailStr :@" Please try again later!" ] ;


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Self.tableview. ly_emptyView = [MyDIYEmpty diyNoDataEmpty]; self.tableView.ly_emptyView = [MyDIYEmpty diyNoDataEmpty];

The following two examples, which are special requirements and require four lines of code, are similar to MJRefrsh calls that require styling, then show and hide

6 Delay displaying emptyView

As shown in Figure 1, the framework automatically calculates whether to display the emptyView based on the DataSource. When a network request is made from the empty DataSource, the emptyView is automatically displayed. This framework provides two methods to achieve this requirement, both methods are scrollView classification, very convenient call

/ * *

Called when you start a network request. The ly_startLoading call temporarily hides emptyView

When the ly_endLoading method is called, the internal ly_endLoading method is based on the current tableView/collectionView

DataSource to automatically determine whether to display emptyView

* /

- (void)ly_startLoading;

/ * *

Called when you want to refresh emptyView state

Note: when ly_endLoading is called, any UI refresh must be called after the UI refresh method.

Because the view's DataSource is not updated until the UI is refreshed, calling this method correctly determines whether there is content.

* /

- (void)ly_endLoading;

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* Note: To use these methods, set emptyView’s autoShowEmptyView property to NO and turn off auto implicit

Here is an example call (see Demo2 in Demo for details)

//1. Set the style first

self.tableView.ly_emptyView = [MyDIYEmpty diyNoDataEmpty];

//2. Turn off auto implicit (this step can be encapsulated in a custom class, related calls can be omitted this step)

self.tableView.ly_emptyView.autoShowEmptyView = NO;

//3. Called when the network requests

[self.tableView ly_startLoading];

//4. Call when the UI is refreshed (make sure to call after the UI is refreshed)

[self.tableView ly_endLoading];

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7 Special requirements, manual control of emptyView display hide

In some special interfaces, some tableView/collectionView has some fixed dead data, and other data is loaded according to the network. In this case, the above sample method may not meet the requirement. This framework provides two additional approaches to this problem.

/ * *

A manual call shows the emptyView

* /

- (void)ly_showEmptyView;

/ * *

Manual calls to hide emptyView

* /

- (void)ly_hideEmptyView;

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* Note: To use these methods, set emptyView’s autoShowEmptyView property to NO and turn off auto implicit

Here is an example call (see Demo4 in Demo for details)

//1. Set the style first

self.tableView.ly_emptyView = [MyDIYEmpty diyNoDataEmpty];

//2. Turn off auto implicit (this step can be encapsulated in a custom class, related calls can be omitted this step)

self.tableView.ly_emptyView.autoShowEmptyView = NO;

/ / 3. Display emptyView

[self.tableView ly_showEmptyView];

4 / / hide emptyView

[self.tableView ly_hideEmptyView];

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