By LeanCloud Weakish

Share 22 popular open source iOS development projects on GitHub. Including development AIDS, asynchronous programming libraries, JSON parsing, mobile databases, image and video processing, network requests, UI frameworks, components, algorithms, data structures and other content.

  1. Accio uses the iOS/tvOS/watchOS/macOS dependency management tools written by Swift. CocoaPods and Carthage are the most mature dependency managers in the current iOS ecosystem. If you don’t like CocoaPods written in Ruby, or prefer Carthage’s non-invasive approach, try Accio. Accio improves on some of Carthage’s problems and uses SwiftPM as its core as possible. This makes it easy to migrate to SwiftPM in the future when Xcode is more mature for SwiftPM support. Accio, by the way, pronounced ah-kee-oh.
  2. SwiftLint checks Swift code styles and conventions. Based on AST representations provided by Clang and SourceKit, more accurate analysis results can be provided.
  3. idbAs the name suggests, the iOS versionadb. This Command line tool from Facebook helps you automate the debugging process on emulators and real machines.
  4. InAppViewDebugger A view debugger for embedding in an application. Similar to Xcode view debugger, but can debug views on iPad and iPhone.
  5. MTHawkeye open source iOS debugging optimization AIDS set. Built-in plugins are LivingObjectSniffer (tracking objects), Allocations (tracking real-time memory), UITimeProfiler (mainline time-consuming task tuning), ANRTrace (catching stuck events), FPSTrace (tracking interface FPS, and OpenGL refreshes and draws FPS, CPUTrace, NetworkMonitor, NetworkInspect, and NetworkMonitor Recommended optimizable items, supporting custom rules), OpengGLTrace (tracking OpenGL resource memory usage), DirectoryWatcher (tracking sandbox folder size), and FLEX (sandbox file AirDrop). Developers can develop their own debugging AIDS based on the infrastructure API.
  6. RxSwift uses the Reactive programming paradigm in Swift.
  7. PromiseKit brings the Promise asynchronous programming pattern to Swift and Objective-C.
  8. IkigaJSON is a high-performance JSON parsing library written by Swift.
  9. Realm Mobile database, alternative to Core Data & SQLite. Provides an intuitive object interface without ORM. With many rich features, common operations still have performance that exceeds native SQLite. Supports iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS. Both Objective-C and Swift versions are available.
  10. BBMetalImage uses a high performance image and video processing library written by Swift, based on GPU acceleration. Built-in more than 60 filters, support chain calls, support custom filters.
  11. Alamofire uses HTTP network library written by Swift, supporting iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS. URL, JSON, plist parameter encoding, upload file, data, download file (support continuous transmission), URLCredential authentication, HTTP response verification, upload, download progress, curl command output, dynamic adaptation, retry request, etc.
  12. SDWebImage high-performance asynchronous image download, including cache (automatic processing of cache expiration), background image decompression, custom image conversion, custom image loader, etc. In addition to the formats supported by UIImage (JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc.), WebP formats (including WebP animation) are also supported. More image formats, such as APNG, BPG, HFIF and SVG, can be supported through plug-ins.
  13. IGListKit UICollectionView framework for creating high-speed, flexible lists. Provides reusable cells, components, and an easy-to-extend API that supports multiple data types. Diff algorithm is decoupled and diFF behavior can be customized. Written in Objective-C, with full Swift interoperability support.
  14. Charts iOS/tvOS/macOS Charts library. Swift port of MPAndroidChart, a graphing library popular among Android developers.
  15. SnapKit iOS and macOS automatic layout DSL.
  16. Blueprint Square’s recently opened source declarative iOS UI framework. Write using Swift. The framework is still in the experimental stage, but has already been used in the Square production environment.
  17. QMUI Tencent open source iOS UI solution.
  18. IQKeyboardManagerAutomatically prevents pop-up keyboard coverUITextField/UITextView.
  19. TORoundedButtonBased on theUIControlClass to implement a rounded rectangle button control. Provide many options for customizing styles while still maintaining the highest possible graphical performance. Written in Objective-C, but fully compatible with Swift (class name under Swift)RoundedButton).
  20. Swift Algorithm Club Algorithm and data structure, in addition to Swift code, also with a detailed explanation!
  21. Swift solution to LeetCode by Swift
  22. Open-source iOS Apps List of Open Source iOS Apps for reference.

Do you have any items to add to the list above? Feel free to share your discoveries and creations in the comments!