Good in advance tools – IDEA plug-in

If you want to do a good job, you must sharpen your tools first. It is very logical that good shoes play well.

Yangtze River No.7

Same opening line, different wine, different story.

The previous article, Systems, recommended some of the most common productivity systems that individuals use. Feel helpful, resonant Rock once. Let’s move on to the new article — the IDEA Plug-in. If you use Eclipse, please forgive me. I have not used Eclipse for several years, so I can’t give you good advice.

The following plug-ins are installed directly in the IDEA plugin manager search:

IDEA > Ctrl+A > enter "plugins" > select plugins > Select Marketplace (TAB) > enter the plug-in name > select Install

The link is for readers to take a look at the official document.


Fast position cursor, with it, you can drop the mouse.

You just need Ctrl +; Then input jump to the character can be located to the corresponding position.



Using Vim style to write code in Idea is only suitable for Vim party. Not much introduction, understand nature understand, do not understand their own first learn Vim(automatic dog head).



  • Quickly generate setter methods for local variables. Don’t need to set one by one, often forget a result bugs.
  • Code in setter form for fast convert on methods.


Camel case switch plug-in.

You can quickly switch between CamelCase, CamelCase, snake_case and snake_case by using shortcuts.

Default shortcut keys: CTRL + Shift + U


Free MyBatis plugin

  1. Quickly locate Mybatis Mapper class methods and Mybatis Mapper.xml SQL statements.

  2. Quickly generate mapper statements based on method definitions.





  • Generate Dao, Service, Xml, Sql files from Pojo files in one click.

  • After the Pojo file is updated, the corresponding Sql and Mybatis XML files are updated with one key.

  • Provide insert, insertList, update, SELECT, delete five methods.

  • Can batch generate multiple POJOs corresponding files.

  • After a field is added to the Pojo file, an SQL statement is generated to add the field.

  • Automatically add comments for the POJO to the comments for the corresponding Sql file.

  • Rich configuration. If no configuration file is available, the default configuration is used.

  • You can configure shortcut keys in Intellij Idea shortcut Key Configuration.

  • MySQL + Java is currently supported, more DB will be supported later.

Maven Helper

Check maven package reference relationships to quickly locate conflicts. It’s much cleaner and easier to use than the Native Diagrams of IDEA.




Thoughtful programmers tend to get cranky about repetitive code, wondering whether it can be fixed either by a framework or by automatic code generation. CodeMaker is an IDEA code generation plugin that allows you to generate a Template based on Velocity, and then generate a similar class using IDEA.


Git Commit Template

Git Commit messages must be simple and useful, and clearly describe the Commit functionality. Git history: git history: git history: git history: git history: git history: git history

  • Organize messages in the following style

    <type>(<scope>): <subject>





    Copy the code
  • Submit the message as follows

  • Message will look like this


Grep Console


  1. Color Console logs. You can configure different colors for Trace, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, and error.

  2. Grep Filtering logs


Jackson Generator Plugin


Quickly generate between class and JSON. The same goes for Gson Generator. One generates a Jackson-style class (annotations) and one generates a Gson-style class.



Plug-ins that must be installed to use Lombok.

Lombok adds annotations to generate getters, setters, toStrings, Builders, and other nonsense code (bytecode modifications, Maven plug-ins, and IDEA plug-ins).

Rainbow Brackets


Make your open parentheses and their corresponding close parentheses (both large and small) the same color to quickly see the range of parentheses.

like this:


String Manipulation


Similar to CamelCase, but with the exception of Camel style string conversions, there are a number of powerful features:

  • Style switch (camelCase, kebab-lowercase, kebab-uppercase, snake_case, SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE, dot. Case, words lowercase, First word Capitalized, Words capitalized, PascalCase).
  • Un/Escape code (Java, JavaScript, SQL, HTML, etc.).
  • Encoding/decoding (MD5, Hex, Base64, etc)
  • Sort character line

You are advised to search and install the above plug-ins directly in the IDEA plugin manager:

IDEA > Ctrl+A > enter "plugins" > select plugins > Select Marketplace (TAB) > enter the plug-in name > select Install

The link is for readers to take a look at the official document.

If you are interested in the above one or two plug-ins, you can find information on your own (recommend the official website), or leave a message. If you have time, you can share my experience in detail. If you have any other gadgets not mentioned above, feel free to share them in the comments section. Please follow my official account.

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