Work has been a long time, has also participated in more than 10 large and small, began to study earlier this year oneself write a program to improve yourself, to April 17, general functions have been completed just dare to share this time themselves build the framework of come out, want to give a lot of new friends share independent development process of the project, also hope you predecessors (spray me, a lot To) give valuable advice.

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Series of articles portal

SpringBoot2.0 (I) Framework construction and integration of MyBatis

SpringBoot2.0 (2) uses Druid connection pooling

SpringBoot2.0 (iii) encapsulates the request result

SpringBoot2.0 (iv) Custom message converter

(5) Add global exception handling

SpringBoot2.0 (vi) Adds Swagger2 to automatically generate interface documentation + test functionality online

SpringBoot2.0 (7) add PageHelper query function

SpringBoot2.0 (8) Integration with universal Mapper functionality

SpringBoot2.0 (ix) integrates generator to automatically generate model, XML, and dao functions

SpringBoot2.0 (10) automatically generates service, serviceImpl, and controller functionality through freemarker

SpringBoot2.0 (XI) Configuring multi-data source functionality

SpringBoot2.0 (12) added redis caching

SpringBoot2.0 (xiII) added protection against XSS attacks

SpringBoot2.0 (14) Interface for adding Shiro permission protection

SpringBoot2.0 (15) add aop asynchronous logging capabilities

SpringBoot2.0 (XVI) adds multi-file upload functionality

SpringBoot2.0 (XVII) added system mail function

SpringBoot2.0 (xVIII) adds the ability to initialize resources at project startup

SpringBoot2.0 (19) adds interceptor functionality

SpringBoot2.0 (20) added the ability to export Excel spreadsheets

SpringBoot2.0 (21) adds scheduled task functionality

SpringBoot2.0 (22) added image compression processing capabilities

SpringBoot2.0 (xxiii) deals with problems caused by the separation of the front and back ends

The project address

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Project introduction

Introduction of framework

The framework is Springboot + Mybatis project, supporting multiple data sources; Integrated universal Mapper; Integrate JSON Web Token encryption; Support AOP to record user operation logs; Integrate code generation plug-in, automatically generate add, delete, change, check and other basic code; Wechat Pay; Send an email; Image compression watermarking; Supports dynamic scheduled tasks. Unified exception handling; Request result encapsulation, etc.;

Frame structure

In the AOP folder are custom annotations for logging user actions

The Configurer folder contains configuration files such as the configuration of the Mybatis paging plug-in

The constant folder contains definitions of some constants, such as wechat Pay constants and some constants needed to send SMS messages

In the Generic folder, you can customize some of the top-level generic interfaces

In the RET folder are custom request result formats and enumerated request codes

The startupRunner folder is the method to be executed after the server is successfully started

The tasks file contains scheduled tasks

In Test, CodeGenerstor is the code producer

Template is the template for generating code

At the end

Here is the brief introduction of the project. The official project construction will be updated in the future. Thank you