Whether do brand symbol, do packaging design, do words inductive, or do product upgrade, the ultimate purpose is to clinching a deal. If a product, no matter how optimized, is not bought by users, there is no reason for such a product to exist, and no one will invest the time and energy for it. For example, a car with five wheels, no one will buy such a car, and no one will develop such a car.

Many people spend their lives trying to find out how to make a deal. From the Internet to the traditional enterprises, I have done a variety of products, virtual digital products, service education products, practical e-commerce products, contact with a lot of products, for the transaction of goods gradually have their own views, I found that the brand symbol, product positioning and so on is important? It’s important, but it’s not more important.

Ask one, can these claims let user clinch a deal certainly? Can’t. In fact, there is a more important than the theory, I called it super buy reason, this reason, kill four, users have to buy an order, is not more practical, we do not play virtual, to be pragmatic, is that a transaction order.

So how does super Reason to Buy play? Here from the following three aspects for you to explain in detail.

First, what is the reason for super purchase

Second, some cases of super buying reasons

3. How to design your own super buying reasons

First, what is the super purchase reason? The purchase reason refers to the reason for the user to buy a product. The super purchase reason is the upgrade version, which means more powerful. We pragmatic people, speaking is so direct, not to play virtual.

The difference between super reason to buy and ordinary reason to buy is that ordinary reason to buy products, users can buy or not buy. With a super reason to buy products, users have no choice but to choose to buy.

Is there a super reason to buy? The answer is yes. There are so many products in life that you have a super reason to buy them. Think about the list of gifts your girlfriend gave you.

Two, some cases of super purchase reasons case 1: a bay a village

This company often does a variety of brand upgrading, also opened a lot of new categories, but the effect of the new category seems not ideal. I have a question, if one can make a successful product, in theory, using the same methodology to make a second successful product is very simple. Why doesn’t it work here?

Until a chat with a friend revealed the mystery. The success of the noodle shop is not the success of brand planning, but the success of user positioning, which is the root cause of its toss and not downhill. How many business owners listen to the master of deception, their own business toss yellow, such examples I heard of more than three.

By the way, you can get out of the pit. There is a person in charge of a catering enterprise in my catering group, said that the boss went to attend a master success training, after coming back to the management of the enterprise to do a big change like transformation and upgrading, before the annual profit of millions, management upgrade, within half a year the enterprise closed down, thought-provoking, everyone long point eye.

Go back to the noodle shop above, the so-called abnormal things have demons. A business back and forth toss about, the performance is still very stable, explain what? That the enterprise toss about is nothing more than surface kung fu, its profit core has not moved a cent. And this core is the user’s super purchase reason, if you do user research, it is easy to know what the noodle shop’s super purchase reason is. My friend told me this: I often eat shellfish not because it tastes good, but because I have no choice.

Why does the user say to have no choice, can choose their home only, here point to so far, not much divulge the secret. If you have discerning eyes, you can see it. It is because of this super buying reason that they can only be chosen, which gives them the capital to do anything they want.

Case 2: a diamond ring

This diamond ring is very powerful, a person can only buy once in a lifetime, there is no repeat customer said. Have to say that this reason to buy is the ordinary diamond ring reason to buy the upgrade version, that is, the super reason to buy. The diamond ring, a small stone made of cheap carbon itself, has become a must-buy because it is endowed with an element of love.

You tell your girlfriend, the diamond ring ingredients are very cheap, don’t buy it. Your girlfriend will slap you in the face and you want to move on. You have to buy this stuff. You don’t love me. See, diamonds are called the greatest hoax of the 20th century, because the mastermind concocted an irresistible reason to buy something cheap.

You can only buy it once in your life, so it’s a super super reason to buy it. Girls value the loyalty of love very much. If there is something that can make a boy prove that he only loves himself in his life, he will encourage his partner to prove it. Conversely, those who lick dogs also hope that the goddess will be faithful to them, but this is a myth.

The planning of the diamond ring must be a keen person, like some people do not know the love of the other side, will tear the petals, tear to the last petal if it is love, think that the other side love themselves, if the last petal stop in love, most will pick a flower, to tear.

In order to give girls a solid comfort, diamond ring hit a lifetime can only be customized one concept. The boy will buy it to prove that he loves the girl. Even if the price is half a year’s salary. I just want to say, be a man, don’t say too much. What will you say when the next girlfriend says, “I want that once-in-a-lifetime diamond ring?” I’m sorry, I can’t use my ID, so MAYBE I can use my dad’s. This is gonna be awkward.

Case 3: some eye drops

It’s still an irresistible reason to buy, but there’s an element of false claims. We’re just analyzing the principle, and we don’t recommend it. For example, if you were to develop a drug for Alzheimer’s right now, just say, take it and it will cure the disease. Do you still need promotion and business? It’s not necessary. Buyers, consumers can squeeze through the doors of your factories. Isn’t that the effect of super reasons to buy?

Some eye drops are claimed to be able to treat cataracts, which is really the good news for thousands of patients, other can not be treated, only you can treat, then which to choose? Yours, of course. Do you still remember the popularity of qigong in the 80s and 90s, which is said to be a cure-all for all diseases, and a person’s biggest fear is getting sick? If there is one thing learned, will not get sick. That’s really something you have to learn. On the other hand, look at the operation courses on the Internet now, the purchase rate is less than 1%, even if it is more practical value than qigong, but there is no reason to buy, I don’t buy, buy to buy learned to immediately become the master of success.

3. How to design your own super buying reasons Any phenomenon has its underlying principle, super buying reasons correspond to Maslow’s psychological needs. The higher the reason, the more super, from the bottom up are physiology, security, belonging and love, respect, self-actualization needs. Safety needs such as masks, masks in February and March this year, do you want to buy? It’s not whether to buy it, it’s how to get it.

We design our own super-buying recommendations from self-actualization, the superlative need, down the list. That is, the reason to buy prioritized self-actualization, and if that’s not available, the need for respect, and so on. Take meals for example. What are the must-haves? And friends. Does it taste good? Not necessarily. So why go? We are the talent, the hipster, do not go or the talent, the hipster? See, this is fulfilling the user’s need for self-actualization.

I’ve designed super reasons to buy for a book called Full Stack, but everyone who read it got a promotion, a raise, or a job offer. If you are single and there is a book that can help you get out of your single life, will you buy it? Of course. Spend tens of thousands of pieces to find the matchmaker not necessarily have the result, spend tens of dollars to buy this take off the single book, much cost-effective.

Any enterprise, a product, a service, can dig out their own super reason to buy, if not, it can only show that your insight into the reason to buy is not enough. How can you improve your insight into why you’re super buying? Just read this article several times.

Finally, the super purchase reason is a killer, this reason, the user has been under the single, can be said to be a huge damage. Because of its great power, just like nuclear bomb research and development, the design and refining of super purchase reason is a very complex process, need to have enough knowledge of the product, the user, the brand, to think of a super purchase reason that impress the user.

As one brand consultant said, I’m blessed with money. Every company I’ve worked with has either gone public or cashed out. Now that you say that, do you want to work with him? Of course. Who wouldn’t want to go public.

Author: Tiger talk about operation, the author of “Full stack operation Master”, operation and promotion, ten million water project operator, columnist, focus on product operation and promotion, proficient in each module of operation and promotion, good at brand building and popular manufacturing, known as the operation and promotion of the old driver.