Introduction: The project has a requirement: jump route, before leaving the page, need to pop up the box to ask whether the user is sure to leave. Using the react-Router component is ok, but what about antD components (or custom components)? Please see the following

Look at this:… (1) use the react-router

import { Prompt } from 'react-router'


  message="Are you sure you want to leave?"


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(2) supports functions



  message={(location) => {

    return window.confirm(`confirm to leave to ${location.pathname}? `);



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(3) history.block, this is a pit!

import { history } from 'path/to/history';

class MyComponent extends React.Component {

   componentDidMount() {

      history.block(targetLocation= > {

           // take your action here

           return false;



   render() {

      //component render here



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The reason for the crash is that the history.block() method cannot be used side-by-side with the

component, and the

component must be called inside the history.block(), which leads to a problem: How do onOk and onCancel in the

component return values to the return statement (return false/true) of history.block(), What about not having the history.block() return statement execute sequentially with the


In plain terms, the

component displays first, blocks return false/true after it, and returns false/true after the

component’s onOk and onCancel methods are executed

I tried several methods, but they didn’t work, until I found this article: Using react-Router V4 Prompt with Custom Modal Component

(4) When leaving the page, route jump, custom pop-up box interception, and ask

  handlePrompt = location= > {

    if (!this.isSave) {


      return false;


    return true;


  showModalSave = location= > {






  closeModalSave = (a)= > {

    const { location } = this.state;

    const { history } = this.props;








  handlePrompt = location= > {

    if (!this.isSave) {


      return false;


    return true;


  handleSave = (a)= > {

    const { location } = this.state;

    const { history } = this.props;

    this.isSave = true;

    console.log(location.pathname, 'pathname75');









 <Prompt message={this.handlePrompt}/>

<Modal title="Tip"







<div>Do you want to save the changes?</div>


      <Button onClick={this.closeModalSave}>

Do not save


       <Button onClick={this.handleSave}>





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Perfect implementation off page, route interception while displaying custom modal box!
