What is MarkDown?

Markdown is a text-only markup language. It can format ordinary text content with simple markup syntax.

0.1 the advantages

  • Plain text editing, clear structure.
  • Simple operation and low learning cost.
  • Documents can be exported in HTML, Word, image, PDF, and Epub formats.

0.2 disadvantages

There’s no downside.

1. Grammar

1.1 the title

# level 1 title name

## Secondary title name

### level 3 title name

#### Level 4 title name

##### Grade 5 title name

###### 6 title name

Ps: Use # for identification

Copy the code

Table 1.2

| left-aligned | center alignment align | | right

| : -- -- -- -- - | : -- -- -- -- -- - : | -- -- -- -- -- : |

| 1      |    2     |      3 |

| 1      |    2     |      3 |

| 1      |    2     |      3 |

Header and form content using | -- - | interval

Use: for mark alignment formatting,

Ps: There is no clear limit on the number of middle --

Copy the code


The left Align center Align right
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3

1.3 the code block



console.log('Hello MarkDown')

` ` `

Ps: Use ' 'to mark

The code type is immediately followed by the "" symbol at the top, and the corresponding highlighting will be set within the code block

Copy the code


console.log('Hello MarkDown')

Copy the code

1.4 formula block


\frac{d}{dx}e^{ax}=ae^{ax}\quad \sum_{i=1}^{n}{(X_i - \overline{X})^2}


Formula writing requires learning the Latex editing method of mathematical formulas, which I will not elaborate on here

Copy the code


1.5 reference

References can be nested at multiple levels

> Reference content 1: Hello markdown


> > Reference 2: Hello markdown

Ps: use > for identification, and content space to distinguish

Copy the code


Reference 1: Hello markdown

Reference 2: Hello markdown

1.6 Ordered List

1.The content of 1

2.Content of the 2

3.The content of 3

1.The content of 3-1

1.Content of the 3-1-1

2.The content of 3-2


Ps: Use 1

The hierarchy is controlled by indentation of three Spaces or by a TAB

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  1. The content of 1
  2. Content of the 2
  3. The content of 3
    1. The content of 3-1
      1. Content of the 3-1-1
    2. The content of 3-2

1.7 Unordered List

-The content of 1

-Content of the 2

   - The content of 2-1

      - Content of the 2-1-1

   - The content of 2-2


Ps: Identifies with -

The hierarchy is controlled by indentation of three Spaces or by a TAB

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  • The content of 1
  • Content of the 2
    • The content of 2-1
      • Content of the 2-1-1
    • The content of 2-2

1.8 Task List

-[] Task 1

 - [] Task 1

-Task 2 [x]

Ps: Use - [] for identification

-[] indicates incomplete

-[x] indicates completion

Copy the code


  • [] Task 1
    • [] Task 1
  • Task 2 [x]

1.9 Link Reference

[https://github.com/LuckRain7] (https://github.com/LuckRain7)

[github/LuckRain7] (https://github.com/LuckRain7)

The content in [] is the display title

Enter the link address in ()

Copy the code




1.10 Picture Citation

! [wx] (https://p1-jj.byteimg.com/tos-cn-i-t2oaga2asx/gold-user-assets/2020/6/6/172878427c4fd5f9~tplv-t2oaga2asx-image.image)

! [Image name] (The link address)

Copy the code



1.11 the footnotes

Content 1 [^ 1]

Content [^ 2 A]

[^x] :X is the footnote

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Content 1 [^ 1]

Content [^ 2 A]

1.12 Horizontal dividing line



Ps: - The number of more than 3 can be identified as a dividing line

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1.13 Font Effect

1.13.1 bold

** Bold ** fontCopy the code


Bold font

1.13.1 italics

* Italic * fontCopy the code


Italic font

1.13.1 delete

Delete the fontCopy the code


Delete the font

1.13.1 underline

<u> Underline </u>Copy the code


The underline

2. Editor recommendation


I feel like the best MarkDow editor I’ve ever used. It’s simple, elegant and powerful.