Download webRTC source code

The easiest way to download webRTC in China is to use an image built by someone else. The recommended download address is

Start compiling Demo

This is where you can download the source code

1. Start by installing Google’s depot_tool

hrrmacdeair:src hrrmac$ cd /Users/hrrmac/Desktop/qq
hrrmacdeair:qq hrrmac$ export WORKSPACE=`pwd`
hrrmacdeair:qq hrrmac$ cd $WORKSPACE/depot_tools
hrrmacdeair:depot_tools hrrmac$ chmod +x $WORKSPACE/depot_tools/cipd
hrrmacdeair:depot_tools hrrmac$ export PATH=$PATH:$WORKSPACE/depot_tools
hrrmacdeair:depot_tools hrrmac$
Copy the code

2. Locate the SRC directory of the webRTC

hrrmacdeair:qq hrrmac$ cd /Users/hrrmac/Desktop/qq/webrtc/src
Copy the code

3. Run the command

hrrmacdeair:src hrrmac$ gn gen out/iOS_64 --args='target_os="ios" target_cpu="arm64"' --ide=xcode

Copy the code

4. Finally, you can find the file

5. Run the demo