The author is a junior in this year. After attending the interviews of many big companies in the spring recruitment process, I got the offer of Tencent front-end internship. Here I would like to make some summaries, hoping to give some help to the students who have not participated in the internship interview.

First, resume preparation

Resume creation is an important part of the process, and a good resume will leave a good impression on the interviewer and help you pass the screening process.

The most important aspect of your resume selection process is to highlight your projects and competitions on campus as well as your achievements. The level of education is not the most important, as long as you have a good project experience, there is a chance to interview. In our internship group, there are degrees from junior college to master of 985 and 211, so please be brave to try.

Recommend a resume creation site – Super resume

Second, the first delivery of small and medium-sized companies

First go to small and medium-sized companies to practice, feel the interview process and atmosphere. This will quickly familiarize you with the atmosphere of the interview process and will prevent you from becoming overly nervous later in the interview process.

Before I participated in spring recruitment, I had no interview experience at all. At that time, the first company I invested in was CVTE, an audio and video hardware company. The first interview is through the remote video interview, because I have no experience, itself also did not brush the interview questions, so the first interview was naturally asked down.

The first interview was so nervous that I shivered and broke out in a cold sweat. However, this interview made me clearly realize my shortcomings, and I recorded the questions I was asked during the interview, and found a lot of information on the Internet to make up for it in the following days. In the interview after more leisurely.

Cast a wide net and catch many fish

Invest in as many companies as you can afford. The more you try, the more opportunities you will have. Of course, if you’re a big shot and you only want to work for one company, this doesn’t apply.

The whole spring recruitment process lasted about 20 days, and I applied for 4-5 big companies in total. From the beginning, I had no interview experience at all, and then I even participated in four big companies’ interview within a week. So try as much as you can.

Iv. Record and summarize

Be sure to note at the end of every interview that you didn’t or didn’t answer well during the interview. Because these are the questions you’ll likely be asked during your next job interview. Secondly, we should sum up our own shortcomings. Only by realizing our own shortcomings can we make up for them better.

For example, in my first interview, the interviewer asked me about HTTP cache, but I was so confused that I couldn’t answer it. Then I made up for the question after the interview. In the following interviews, I was asked this question almost every time, and I was able to answer it calmly.

Five, MY collection of interview questions

Here are the front end questions I collected during the whole spring recruitment process. Each article was well written and I learned a lot. It is recommended to focus on the article framed in the screenshot

Check out my collection of interviews here

Six, front-end internship interview routines

1. Review the project

Often during an interview, the interviewer will ask and answer questions based on the projects in your resume, so please review and reflect on your best projects. Review the most complex part of your work and project and reflect on how you accomplished the most complex part.

The interviewer will focus on asking you how to implement the most difficult parts and how to optimize them. It’s important to think about how to optimize, even if you don’t optimize that part of your project, you should think ahead about what you can optimize. If you get this part right, it will make a good impression on the interviewer.

2. Focus on the basics

Here refers to the basic knowledge includes: front-end basic knowledge and subject basic knowledge.

Front-end basic knowledge: the core knowledge of HTML/CSS/JS, especially the core knowledge of JS. Examples include execution context, variable object/active object (VO/AO), scope chain, this pointing, prototype chain, etc. If you don’t have the knowledge mentioned above, I suggest you check out this series.

Basic knowledge: data structure, computer network, algorithm, etc. You might think that you don’t need an algorithm on the front end, but you’d be wrong. In big companies, interviewers also value these subjects.

You may notice that I didn’t mention React/Vue frameworks. Big companies don’t pay too much attention to these frameworks. They tend to look at the basics of students.

My advice here is that if you use or master at least one of the frameworks, that’s best, go through the interview questions for the relevant frameworks, so that if asked during the interview, you can answer 7788. If you haven’t used frameworks, don’t worry too much, focus on the basics and subject basics, and look at the core ideas of mainstream frameworks if you can spare some energy.

Share a small program

This is a small application I recently developed using the Taro development framework. The main function is to provide reliable bookshelf management function. You only need to scan the bar code on the back of the book to add books to the library.

The project was funded by the wechat Mini Program U program. The project is currently under development and feedback is welcome.