Introduction: As more and more projects are contacted, many projects are confronted with the same problems, and each time they are dealt with in the same way. Sometimes some methods are not so elegant or even redundant, so I want to start trying different methods to solve the same problem.
I often encounter the problem of the form being clicked repeatedly after the button is clicked repeatedly in my projects. Therefore, in view of this problem, I tried several ways to solve it respectively. Go straight to the code.
1. Rough and easy
Define a variable directly and release it after each click until all operations are complete. Or use loading to prevent the user from clicking
<script> export default {methods: {onSubmit() {if (this.lock) return; this.lock = true; // const load = this.$loading(); this.$http.create().then((res) => { // do something this.lock = false; // load.close(); }).catch(() => { this.lock = false; // load.close(); }) }, }, } </script>Copy the code
This method is simple and rude, but every time we need to prevent repeated clicking, we have to pay attention to the reset of lock or loading, which always feels very wordy. I can’t pull it out properly. (PS: limited ability, I did not think of a better way to elegantly package it in the upper layer)
2. Put loading into HTTP request to encapsulate the loading method
//* Some code. let load; http.interceptors.request.use((config) = >{ load = Loading(); . return config; }, error => { load.close();return Promise.reject(error)
http.interceptors.response.use((response) = >{ load.close(); . return response; },error => { load.close();return Promise.reject(error);
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This method has been used in practice for a period of time, very good at the beginning, but in the back of their own weak network test found that it will lead to repeated click. In addition, in some cases, the loading map is not required for all requests, so we need to configure whether to display loading or not. In this way, the HTTP request feels cumbersome, and the function of repeatedly clicking is not removed.
3. Decorator method
When it comes to decorators, the most classic application scenario is slicing oriented programming (AOP), which is well understood and applied in Common Front-end Design Patterns (1)– Decorators ( Thanks to ES7 and TS, decorators are common in Angular and React. Since Class is not mandatory in Vue, we rarely see decorators in Vue, thanks to the official Vue class-component method for creating components using classes. I started my own experiment.
export function lock(target, key, desc) {
const fn = desc.value;
//* The arrow function is not used in order to get the this signifier back to vue, so that we can get vue data and do more things, as discussed below
desc.value = async function() {
if (this.$lock) return;
this.$lock = true;
/** * await fn.apply(this).catch(() => { * this.$lock = false; *}); * this.$lock = false; * /
await fn.apply(this).finally((a)= > {
this.$lock = false;
return target;
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<template> <! -- do something --> </template> <script> import Vue from 'vue'; import Component from 'vue-class-component'; import { lock } from './lock'; @Component export default class extends Vue { @lock async onSubmit() { await this.$http.create(); // do something } } </script>Copy the code
It feels like this completely removes the ability to repeat click (PS: it looks like that) and allows you to test it independently and use it wherever you want. What is not enough is that the decorator needs to refer this back to vue to get vue’s data
4. Learn from others
Since repeated clicks can be removed from the business code, the field validation of our submitted form can also be removed. (PS: All UI frameworks have a full-fledged form validation component, so take it from me.)
export function validate(target, key, desc) {
const fn = desc.value;
desc.value = async function () {
const {
name, phone,
} =;
if(! name) {return confirm('Please enter your name');
if (name.length > 20) {
return confirm('Your name must be no more than 20 characters');
if(! phone) {return confirm('Please enter your phone number');
if(! ((/^\d{11}$/.test(phone)))) {
return confirm('Please enter an 11-digit telephone number');
await fn.apply(this);
return target;
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<template> <! -- do something --> </template> <script> import Vue from 'vue'; import Component from 'vue-class-component'; import { validate } from './validate'; @Component export default class extends Vue { data = { name: '', phone: '', } @validate async onSubmit() { await this.$http.create(); // do something } } </script>Copy the code
5. Anti-shake method (supplement)
Some friends say you can use anti-shake, but I think it depends on the scene. Here are the anti-shake methods.
Anti-shake method is a good way to limit the frequent triggering of repeated events. It is often used for scroll and resize events, and can also be used for repeated clicks. However, if there needs to be asynchronous processing after the click event, the use of anti-shake method alone will not be able to limit the situation of repeated click under weak network (PS: to make a joke of chengdu subway mobile network is often not good). For example, the anti-shake time is 1 second, but it takes 2 seconds for the request to return data to the front end for processing, resulting in a time difference, which leads to the user’s time to click repeatedly. So I think it is necessary to cooperate with other methods. Also list the anti-shake examples:
const throttle = function(fn, wait, scope) {
throttle.timer = setTimeout(function() {
}, wait);
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<! -- do something -->
export default {
onSubmit() {
throttle((a)= > {
this.$http.create().then((result) = > {
// do something
}, 1000); }};</script>
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This article is mainly to let myself, through a function of their own code review and re-implementation to improve the quality of the code, I hope you guys give more advice. Here is my wechat, I hope to communicate with you more learning. (Add wechat, please note the purpose of thank you!)