I often receive inquiries from some students. I am very enthusiastic about technology, but I don’t know what books to read. After I graduated from university, I read a lot of books, covering a wide range of topics, basically equivalent to going to university again.

It is always good to read more books, so I took the time to sort out some books that I think are better. Eighty percent of them I have read, and some of them were recommended by my friends. These books are not only about improving my technical hard power, but also about improving my soft power. Subsequent I think good books, will continue to update ~

There is no once and for all, please try to stick it out.

1. Java

“Technical Architecture for Large Web Sites: Core Principles and Case Studies” “Building High-performance Web Sites (Revised)” “Understanding Java Virtual Machines in Depth: JVM Advanced Features and Best Practices (2nd edition) Java Concurrent Programming Real Estate (4th edition) Authoritative Guide to Java Performance Optimization Effective Java Chinese Edition (2nd Edition) Refactoring and Improving the Design of Existing Code Programmer Training — From A Child to an Expert Lucene In Action (2nd Edition)

2 C/C++

“Conquering C Pointer”, “C++ Primer Chinese version (5th edition)”, “Deep Exploration of C++ Object Model”, “STL Source Code Analysis”, “C++ Reflections”, “Effective C++ : 55 Concrete Ways to Improve Programming and Design (3rd edition)”

3 network

Advanced programming for UNIX environments (version 2) UNIX network programming volume 1 multithreaded server programming for Linux: using the muduo C++ network library details of TCP/IP (volume 1: protocols)

4 Computer Fundamentals

“Principles of Computer Composition (2nd Edition)” “Assembly Language (3rd Edition)” “Deep Understanding of Computer Systems (3rd Edition)”

5 Operating System

Deep Understanding of the Linux kernel (3rd Edition)

6 Data Storage

MySQL Tech Insider: InnoDB Storage Engine (2nd Edition) Hadoop Authoritative Guide (3rd Edition)

7 Software Engineering

Myth of man-month and Man-Piece

8 philosophy

“The Analects of Confucius”, “The Original University Micro-speech”, “What the Diamond Sutra Says”

9 management

The Pyramid Principle, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of Learning Organizations, From Good to Great


Master Adams

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