WSL, short for Windows Subsystem for Linux, is a compatibility layer for natively running Linux binary executables (ELF format) on Windows 10. Microsoft has been rolling out WSL since 16 years ago, and recently released WSL 2.0, which must be relatively complete now. I recently installed WSL on my Windows laptop and tried it out. Overall, the experience was great. Here are the details.
2019.6.10 update:
VS Code has released May 2019 (Version 1.35) and the Remote Development plug-in package is now available in the stable version of VS Code!
What is the use of Windows Subsystem for Linux? How is it different from a virtual machine?
Windows Subsystem for Linux has the following advantages over virtual machines:
Better performance.
Because the implementation is more low-level, the performance is much better than virtual machines.
A file system shared with Windows.
The subsystem can directly access all files on the hard disk, and even execute.exe files.
What’s wrong with Windows today?
Windows is the most widely used desktop operating system, but macOS is the dominant choice in web development. On the front end, React Native couldn’t even be developed on Windows 😓 when it first came out. When it comes to Web development, the main problem with Windows is the command line tool. There are many differences between Windows CMD and Linux. For example, I encountered the inconsistent path writing mode between Windows and Linux in the development a while ago:…
System requirements
Installing the subsystem requires the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and later versions, which will be available starting with the Release and require the Developer option.
We can check the Windows version number by selecting system – about – Windows Specs in Settings, which is greater than 16215:
The installation
WSL installation is already quite simple.
First, open PowerShell as an administrator and run:
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
Copy the code
After that, search for Linux in the Microsoft Store and install the desired Linux distribution.
I chose Ubuntu here, you can install many distributions, not just one.
Installing software in the Microsoft Store is as simple as clicking a button. The Ubuntu icon will then appear in the Start menu
Click start!
After startup, the first initialization is required for a long time, and then it will be set up a system account password, and Windows account password is not related, can be set casually, but forgotten can not be retrieved, need to pay attention to.
After startup, it will feel like using a virtual machine:
From the subsystem, you can directly access files in the Windows path, and Windows disks are mounted under the/MNT directory.
Cross-platform execution
One of the most powerful features of the subsystem is that it can run across platforms, running Windows programs in Linux, and Running Linux programs in Windows.
Windows to perform bash
On the Windows command line, bash can be used directly:
bash -c "sudo apt-get update"
Bash execute Windows
In Linux subsystems, simply add the.exe suffix to a command to execute it:
Try it and you can even execute Chrome.exe directly, but nothing unusual about it.
Development Environment Configuration
Oh – my – ZSH installation
Installing oh-my-zsh is the same as installing oh-my-zsh on a Mac.
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Copy the code
Installation Node. Js
I don’t experience much of a difference between NVM and N, and I tend to use N to manage node versions. Node package management is also a bit complicated on Windows, although nVM-Widnows is available but not very useful.
To install n and Node.js, run the following command directly from the subsystem:
curl -L | bash
Copy the code
Install git
Git installation with apt:
sudo apt install git
Copy the code
VS Code experience
The development environment is inseparable from the code editor. Now that we have the command line tool running on Linux, the next step is to adapt VS Code to WSL.
In the previous version, many people tried various methods:
- Change VS Code’s default terminal to wsl.exe, but VS Code’s integrated Git tool still runs on Windows.
- Opening VS Code directly in WSL is a complicated process with many pitfalls.
Fortunately, these complicated operations are no longer necessary! Remote Development with VS Code is now supported in the INSIDER version of VS Code, which allows us to develop in WSL smoothly.
First we need to install Visual Studio Code Insiders on Windows:, remember to check the added to the PATH in the process of installation options, otherwise we can’t open VS code by code – insiders commands directly.
You can then open the project directory in the WSL through code-Insiders. Open VS Code. Some dependencies need to be installed when first opened:
When opened, you can see that [WSL] is appended to the project directory name:
Open the command line to try, already in the WSL environment:
For ease of use, we changed the default terminal from bash to ZSH in VS Code’s options:
Now terminal is ZSH:
Develop in WSL
We can see that the path problem is not solved 🎉 :
Although the macbook is very elegant, I still want to use Windows development, one of the most direct reasons is that the MAC is too expensive 😓, do not spend enough money, performance will be much worse than the PC. Current MacBook Pro:
The CPU is really weak.
The good news is that Microsoft is becoming an open source company that is paying more attention to developers.
Related articles
- Windows Subsystem for Linux Overview
- Announcing WSL 2
- Awesome-WSL
- Setting Up Windows for Web Development
- Remote Development with VS Code
- Developing in WSL