Forms like the one below are common in back-end management projects. In order to write 999 forms a day, I took a serious look at how to generate forms directly from configuration items (serious face).

What fields are required in the configuration item?

The required values for each form entry are key, label, and the following are not required:

  • requiredField (whether this field is required)
  • componentField (default input component isInput, if you havecomponentI’m going to use the incomingcomponentAs an input component)
  • rulesField (verification rule, only mandatory verification by default)
  • optionsField (as in Antd FormgetFieldDecoratorFunctionally acceptedoptionsConsistent definition)

For example:

// formItems.js import React from 'react' import { Input, DatePicker, Radio, Select, Checkbox, Switch } from 'antd' const { TextArea } = Input const RadioGroup = Radio.Group const RadioButton = Radio.Button const Option = Select.Option const CheckboxGroup = Checkbox.Group const RangePicker = DatePicker.RangePicker const selectExample = ( <Select> <Option value="option1">option1</Option> <Option value="option2">option2</Option> <Option value="option3">option3</Option> </Select> ) const radioGroupExample = ( <RadioGroup options={[ { label: 'radio1', value: 'radio1' }, { label: 'radio2', value: 'radio2' }, { label: 'radio3', value: 'radio3' }, ]} /> ) const radioButtonGroupExample = ( <RadioGroup> <RadioButton value="radio1">radio1</RadioButton> <RadioButton value="radio2">radio2</RadioButton> <RadioButton value="radio3">radio3</RadioButton> </RadioGroup> ) const checkboxGroupExample = ( <CheckboxGroup options={[ { label: 'checkbox1', value: 'checkbox1' }, { label: 'checkbox2', value: 'checkbox2' }, { label: 'checkbox3', value: 'checkbox3' }, ]} /> ) export default [ { label: 'Input', key: 'Input', required: true,}, {label: 'password Input box ', key: 'password', Component: <Input type="password" />, rules: [{required: true, pattern: /^[0-9a-za-z]{8,16}$/, message: 'Password is 8-16 digits and can only contain digits and English ',},],}, {label: 'TextArea', key: 'TextArea', Component: <TextArea />,}, {label: 'Select', key: 'Select', required: true, component: selectExample, }, { label: 'RadioGroup', key: 'RadioGroup', required: true, component: radioGroupExample, options: { initialValue: 'radio1' }, }, { label: 'RadioButtonGroup', key: 'RadioButtonGroup', required: true, component: radioButtonGroupExample, options: { initialValue: 'radio2' }, }, { label: 'CheckboxGroup', key: 'CheckboxGroup', required: true, component: checkboxGroupExample, options: { initialValue: ['checkbox3'] }, }, { label: 'DatePicker', key: 'DatePicker', required: true, component: <DatePicker />, }, { label: 'RangePicker', key: 'RangePicker', required: true, component: <RangePicker />, }, { label: 'Switch', key: 'Switch', component: <Switch />, options: { valuePropName: 'checked', initialValue: false }, }, ]Copy the code

Packaging Form

// MyForm.js import React, { Component } from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { Form, Input} from 'antd' const FormItem = form. Item // Default layout export const defaultLabelColSpan = 6 const defaultFormItemLayout = { labelCol: { span: defaultLabelColSpan }, wrapperCol: { span: RenderFormItem = ({item, Layout, getFieldDecorator}) => {const {label, key, required, component, options = {}, rules } = item return ( <FormItem key={key} label={label} {... layout}> {getFieldDecorator(key, { ... options, rules: rules || [{ required, message: '${label} is empty'}], }) (component | | < Input / >)} < / FormItem >)} class MyForm extends component {render () {/ / items format which is a form of configured above item const { items, layout, form: { getFieldDecorator } } = this.props return ( <Form> { => renderFormItem({ item, layout, getFieldDecorator }))} </Form> ) } } MyForm.propTypes = { items: PropTypes.array.isRequired, layout: PropTypes.object, form: PropTypes.object.isRequired, } MyForm.defaultProps = { layout: defaultFormItemLayout, } export default Form.create()(MyForm)Copy the code

Generate form pages based on configuration items

After writing the MyForm component, we can quickly generate form pages based on the formItems defined in the installation format.

// App.js import React, { Component } from 'react' import moment from 'moment' import { Button } from 'antd' import MyForm, {defaultLabelColSpan} from './MyForm' // formItems import formItems from './formItems' The form needs to be populated with existing data, Const requestDetail = () => {return new Promise(resolve => {setTimeout() => {resolve({Input: 'Input', password: 'password', Select: 'option2', RadioGroup: 'radio2', RadioButtonGroup: 'radio2', CheckboxGroup: [' checkbox2], DatePicker: 'the 2018-05-15 T13:36:27. 132 z, RangePicker: [' 2018-04-15 T13:36:27. 132 z ', 'the 2018-05-15 T13:36:27. 132 z], the Switch: true, }) }, 1500) }) } class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.formRef = React.createRef() } getDetail = () => {requestDetail(). Then (res => {requestDetail(); Res.datepicker = moment(res.datepicker) res.rangepicker = res.rangepicker. map(d => moment(d)) this.formRef.current.setFieldsValue(res) }) } onClickSubmit = () => { this.formRef.current.validateFieldsAndScroll((err, Values) => {console.log(values) if (err) {return} console.log(' check pass ')})} render() {return (<div> <Button style={{ margin: </Button> <MyForm ref={this.formRef} items={formItems} /> <Button style={{ marginLeft: ${defaultLabelColSpan / 24 * 100}% '}} type="primary" onClick={this.onClickSubmit} > Submit </Button> </div>)}} export default AppCopy the code

To the end.