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Android tips 30 seconds a day, 30 times more efficient (manual dog head) As an Android developer, AndroidStudio is one of the tools we use every day to manipulate, codeword, and debug. Skilled use of it can improve our development efficiency a little bit to a certain extent, but do not underestimate this little bit, time can save this province, maybe can avoid overtime. Today’s 30-second series is about the AS shortcut. AS there are quite a number of shortcut instructions, so it will be divided into several chapters. If this article is helpful to the little cuties passing by, please don’t forget to follow share share comment like 😝! Thank you for your husband

Shortcut keys — Editor Actions

This shortcut guide will help you get familiar with the editor and navigate between code and pages. AS for me, I transferred from Eclipse to AS, so THE shortcut keys are the same AS before. AS also provided us with this key scheme. Then I switched from Windows to Mac, and most of the shortcuts didn’t work. So I took some time to sort out the shortcut keys as follows: Due to the length of the relationship, today is mainly to bring the guide to the editor operation section shortcut keys I showed in the style of pictures with text, those without annotations command, most of them are some page scrolling, click the mouse to select some operations. Because the use is not very widespread, there is not much explanation.

An overview

Editor Actions, which are Editor related Actions, mostly related to the cursor or selection. Being familiar with these shortcuts will make it easier to change code and switch pages. Due to the quirks of the individual buttons, I didn’t put my own Settings out there. You can take out about 30 seconds of time every day according to their fingering habits, familiar with the instructions, set up their favorite key. The next shortcut guide will bring you the main menu related operations. In the future, this article will be included in the “Android-30 Seconds” series. Set aside 30 seconds every day to learn some development tips to improve your development efficiency