ApkAnalyser-APP development framework analyzer

Apk package is parsed through apkAnalyser script to see the development framework used. Such as Flutter, ReactNative, Weex; For now, only three major cross-platform technologies will be analyzed, and other technologies may be added in the future

  • Never ask the following questions again
  1. What companies use ReactNative/Flutter?
  2. Any prospects for Flutter/ReactNative?
  3. Which one is better, Flutter/ReactNative/Weex?

Why analyze other APKs

Now APP development, the choice of technology is too much, I thought it is a very happy thing. But because there are so many choices, we often struggle with new technologies. If you want to read people’s comments on different technologies on the Internet, however, the comments on various technologies on the Internet are mixed, sometimes even malicious, or stupid. Therefore, in the spirit of seeking truth from facts, I decided to unpack all the popular APK in the market and analyze it. So let’s compare and see which technology is used more and which technology is not used, so the choice is simple and clear.

Why script parsers

In fact, you can write an APP to analyze, you install their own good view (market). But considering the number of apps to analyze. It doesn’t make sense to put them all on your phone. So, it is better to analyze on the computer. And this kind of thing, usually don’t use, make an APP is a bit of a storm in a teacup. Besides, you are busy, or let the small analysis. I’ll just list it for you to look at. But in the spirit of open Source Internet (Tou LAN), I took the time to write a script. At the same time, if you feel that I have not analyzed enough apps (you MAO Ni), you can download APK to analyze. I will update this analysis list from time to time and add new applications. Because by comparing data from different periods, you can better grasp trends. So, I hope you can collect, follow, star, like (one key three), let us learn and grow together ~

(If you feel there is any problem with the script welcome to private message me)

Use of analyzer

ApyAnalyser making address

  1. Create a folder and place the downloaded apkanalyser.sh file in the folder root
  2. Download the APK you want to analyze to the directory you just created in app Treasure. The file name must meet the following requirements: Underscore (_) is the delimiter.

(The reason why download in app treasure, one is more reliable and convenient, two because app treasure downloaded already string package name _ version number _build version. apk. We just add the name of the app.)

Apk For example, wechat _com.0ce.mm_8.0.9_1920.apkCopy the code
  1. Run apkanalyser.sh in the terminal and the result is printed directly.

Statistics of the latest analysis

Total applications: 171

Contain the Flutter: 55

Contain ReactNative: 39

Contain Weex: 19

Three techniques at the same time: 1

Two techniques at the same time: 21

Pure native development :83

Updated July 25, 2021

APK is downloaded from AppApp to ensure reliability. For details, see Top100 and Huawei App List.

  • ✅ contains
  • ❌ does not contain
The name of the The package name The version number The build version Flutter RN Weex
58 city com.wuba 10.18.1 101801
AcFun tv.acfundanmaku.video 1175
Boss hired straight com.hpbr.bosszhipin 9.080 908010
Keep com.gotokeep.keep 7.6.0 29383
QQ com.tencent.mobileqq 8.8.12 1900
QQ to read com.qq.reader 193
QQ email com.tencent.androidqqmail 6.2.1 10149355
QQ music com.tencent.qqmusic 2229
QQ browser com.tencent.mtt 11766500
QQ Synchronization Assistant com.tencent.qqpim 7.1.10 2900
Soul cn.soulapp.android 3.91.0 21071304
T3 travel com.t3go.passenger 250
TT voice com.yiyou.ga 5.5.11-15058. 15058
UC browser com.UCMobile 1125
WIFI master key com.snda.wifilocating 4.6.81 210723
WPS cn.wps.moffice_eng 13.11.0 1170
YY com.duowan.mobile 7.49.11 107339
According to 12123 com.tmri.app.main 2.6.8 20608
Railway 12306 com.MobileTicket 5.3.8 245
Douban FM com.douban.radio 6.0.13 496
The karaoke com.tencent.karaoke 2150
Korean TV com.babycloud.hanju 5.8.5 5850
Mango TV com.hunantv.imgo.activity 6.8.12 6812100
bettas air.tv.douyu.android 7.1.0 10710001
The most right cn.xiaochuankeji.tieba 5.7.16 507160
nailing com.alibaba.android.rimet 6.0.22 908
retractor com.alpha.lagouapk 7.74.0 77400
The ABC com.android.bankabc 6.3.1 74
baidu com.baidu.searchbox 105928064
rookie com.cainiao.wireless 6.14.7 258
Make pat com.dou_pai.DouPai 11.7.10 1107100000
douban com.douban.frodo 7.10.0 217
HOME LINK com.homelink.android 9.42.0 9420200
Momo com.immomo.momo 8.33 7555
jingdong com.jingdong.app.mall 10.0.8 89053
Small shop com.koudai.weidian.buyer 6.4.7 6040700
Fast to com.kuaiduizuoye.scan 4.6.0 392
Look at com.kuaikan.comic 6.2.0 602000
Fast shadow com.kwai.videoeditor 538100
Cut the hit com.lemon.lv 5.9.0 59012
shell com.lianjia.beike 2.60.0 2600300
cooperated com.lietou.mishu 5.10.0 11820
The pomelo com.lingan.seeyou 8.1.1 197
For specifics com.p1.mobile.putong 2475110
PiaoPiao com.pupumall.customer 3.3.3 300303
quarks com.quark.browser 184
Meituan com.sankuai.meituan 11.11.203 1100110203
Have to content com.shizhuang.duapp 4.73.0 360
Also bai com.shuhekeji 5.9.18 1050918
Books of the flag com.shuqi.controller 222
weibo com.sina.weibo 11.7.2 5098
Well quickly com.smile.gifmaker 20685
trill com.ss.android.ugc.aweme 16.9.1 160902
A new com.taobao.etao 9.5.3 755
Idle fish com.taobao.idlefish 7.1.20 234
taobao com.taobao.taobao 10.2.10 379
WeChat com.tencent.mm 8.0.9 1920
Tmall com.tmall.wireless 10.10.0 1897
around com.wuba.zhuanzhuan 8.17.22 8017022
Box of the horse com.wudaokou.hippo 5.19.0 181
M home com.xiaomi.smarthome 6.7.700 64211
A snowball com.xueqiu.android 12.39 318
thunderbolt com.xunlei.downloadprovider 13566
Easy car com.yiche.autoeasy 10.56.1 192
youku com.youku.phone 10.0.4 434
Even the letter com.zenmen.palmchat 210703
zhihu com.zhihu.android 7.21.0 6024
Where to go com.Qunar 10.0.12 245
Vipshop com.achievo.vipshop 7.49.7 74907
Abby to meet com.airbnb.android 21.28.1. China 24003260
To the guest com.anjuke.android.app 15.19.5 322096
Homework help com.baidu.homework 13.19.0 1015
The check! com.bankcomm.maidanba 5.1.0 108
Central video com.cctv.yangshipin.app.androidp 202000
Alipay com.eg.android.AlipayGphone 420
Market network com.ganji.android 10.14.0 101400
flush com.hexin.plat.android 10.34.03 4585
Flower pig com.huaxiaozhu.rider 1.3.4 152
Cargo lala com.lalamove.huolala.client 6.5.39 6539
To speak com.liulishuo.engzo 8.27.0 2425
Mushroom street com.mogujie 1541000
iQIYI com.qiyi.video 12.7.0 800120750
Understand the car emperor com.ss.android.auto 6.4.7 647
Pipi shrimp com.sup.android.superb 3.5.2 352
Check the inner eye com.tianyancha.skyeye 12.34.0 386
Cloud flash pay com.unionpay 9.0.1 274
Under the kitchen com.xiachufang 7.9.7 662
The little red book com.xingin.xhs 7.1.0 7010138
A lot of spelling com.xunmeng.pinduoduo 5.72.0 57200
KFC com.yek.android.kfc.activitys 5.0.6 5060
Here comes the train com.ygkj.chelaile.standard 4.12.2 236
Apes tutoring com.yuantiku.tutor 7.34.2 7340200
calendar com.zixuan.calendar 1.1 2
Hungry? me.ele 10.0.7 647
Lazy chang to listen to bubei.tingshu 21705
Cao cao travel cn.caocaokeji.user 5.1.6 51055
Cool my music cn.kuwo.player 9440
The daily optimal cn.missfresh.application 9.9.44 9094402
Pipi funny cn.xiaochuankeji.zuiyouLite 2.7.1 270100
alibaba com.alibaba.wireless 2131071902
Scott map com.autonavi.minimap 110001
Baidu map com.baidu.BaiduMap 15.8.0 1080
Baidu translation com.baidu.baidutranslate 9.3.0 142
Baidu cloud com.baidu.netdisk 11.11.4 1505
Baidu post bar com.baidu.tieba 201785369
Migu video com.cmcc.cmvideo 25000598
The home of the car com.cubic.autohome 11.2.1 11021
The public comment on com.dianping.v1 10.48.2 104801
Tick to travel com.didapinche.booking 8.10.86 2021072001
Canine teeth live com.duowan.kiwi 9.3.21 50294
Fund everyday com.eastmoney.android.fund 6.4.6 64603
Small apes oral com.fenbi.android.leo 3.17.2 3170299
Light colour camera com.gorgeous.lite 3.4.2 459
China Mobile com.greenpoint.android.mc10086.activity 7.1.5 71500
Driving examination baodianpian com.handsgo.jiakao.android 8.2.8 500080208
Phoenix news com.ifeng.news2 7.28.0 8180
Jingdong financial com.jd.jrapp 6.1.90 410
Jingdong home com.jingdong.pdj 8.10.0 810001
Cool dog music com.kugou.android 10.7.5 10759
A sweet camera com.kwai.m2u 20580
The film and television daqo com.le123.ysdq 4.1.7 1127
The ink weather com.moji.mjweather 9.0004.02 9000402
The picture shows com.mt.mtxx.mtxx 9250
Netease news com.netease.newsreader.activity 81.1 1387
Meituan take-away com.sankuai.meituan.takeoutnew 7.63.3 76303
Meituan optimization com.sankuai.youxuan 6.15.10 615010
The shark to an account com.shark.jizhang 3.49.2 229
The bell is great com.shoujiduoduo.ringtone 60088580
Sina news com.sina.news 7.64.7 847
China Unicom com.sinovatech.unicom.ui 8.8.1 115
Sohu news com.sohu.newsclient 6.6.2 777
Sohu video com.sohu.sohuvideo 8.9.2 8009002
Today’s headline com.ss.android.article.news 8.3.5 8350
Watermelon video com.ss.android.article.video 5.8.6 586
Flying pigs travel com.taobao.trip 8100203
Tencent swim first com.tencent.gamereva 1979305
Tencent map com.tencent.map 9.13.0 1079
Tencent news com.tencent.news 6.5.64 6564
Tencent video com.tencent.qqlive 26069
Tencent meeting com.tencent.wemeet.app 2021071324
WeChat reading com.tencent.weread 5.5.2 10150655
Knowledge of the planet com.unnoo.quan 4.27.11 291
The Himalayan com.ximalaya.ting.android 355
Post office bank com.yitong.mbank.psbc 6.0.6 69
Youdao dictionary com.youdao.dict 9.0.38 9003800
New oxygen medical beauty com.youxiang.soyoungapp 8.29.0 376
zhaopin com.zhaopin.social 8.2.7 8087
Ctrip travel ctrip.android.view 8.38.2 1400
Bi li bi tv.danmaku.bili 6.34.0 6340400
Chinese perpetual calendar cn.etouch.ecalendar 8.2.0 849
Personal income tax cn.gov.tax.its 1.6.8 10608
Netmums breeding cn.mama.pregnant 11.6.0 145
Google Chrome com.android.chrome 78.0.3904.96 390409607
Baidu input method com.baidu.input 470
Telecommunications Office com.ct.client 9.0.0 9000
Melon seed used car com.ganji.android.haoche_c 8306
Exfil input method com.iflytek.inputmethod 10.0.21 10021
Hornet’s nest tourism com.mfw.roadbook 10.5.0 943
Netease Cloud Music com.netease.cloudmusic 8.2.61 8002061
Pinganjin butler com.pingan.lifeinsurance 7.07.01 70701
Sogou input method com.sohu.inputmethod.sogou 10.31 1490
Fluorite cloud video com.videogo 137
Youdao Cloud Notes com.youdao.note 7.1.5 156
Youdao Translator com.youdao.translator 3.10.24 20210521
China Construction Bank com.chinamworld.main 5.5.1 786
Tomato Free Novels com.dragon.read 480
National Anti-fraud Center com.hicorenational.antifraud 1.1.10 51
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China com.icbc 610600
Seven cats free novel com.kmxs.reader 6.0 60000
Bank of China mobile banking com.chinamworld.bocmbci 7.0.1 20000
China Merchants Bank palm life com.cmbchina.ccd.pluto.cmbActivity 8.5.5 123