This is an article that teaches you how to write a resume

Today’s programmers, whether social recruitment, school recruitment, or internal promotion, all kinds of interviews, are inseparable from the resume, so how to write a good resume is very key, then, let me talk about how to write a good resume

Let’s start with the four components of a good resume

Education, professional skills, project experience, and work history

First of all, most people may record of formal schooling is ordinary, even said that is very bad, don’t panic, then say, education is bad, how can be granted an interview, a man who has a good degree club or school move all need your degree in the first place, this not only hr will see your record of formal schooling, the interviewer will see your record of formal schooling, now, In the case of you this person do not understand, will rely on the academic degree to evaluate a person’s learning ability, after all, can be admitted to 211,985, you dare to say his learning ability is not good? Right? So, what about people with bad degrees?

Do not panic, two methods, above all, record of formal schooling is bad, no more than is general this, it is specialized subject even, or it is adult education this kind

How should these people write their resumes

At this

At this this one, actually also is good, the school recruit, degree will be valued this piece, but club resort, is also good, club or more technology, so this words, can write undergraduate course, write the school name is also ok, as for an interview, can push to find more, as long as it is a technical, hr surface if passed, also is not a resume, If you must go for social recruitment, you need to write in the back of professional skills and project experience to be outstanding, which will be covered later here

Specialized subject

College students, I would suggest that if it is computer related major, can write professional directly, don’t write the school name, school name can be placed last in the end, or the last did not write the name of the school directly, and then to put your professional technology and project experience in front, and to give prize, so that people can see you bright spot, rather than just see your record of formal schooling, See your company, oh, can not go down, the next… That this is very embarrassed, next, the classmate of specialized subject, I suggest can take an examination of from take an examination of, can say below.

Take an examination of

Take an examination of the students, I believe that must be a relatively good university, then, take an examination of classmates listen up, write your school directly, then don’t write is a full-time, take an examination of students, professional also must be the professional, so, please write down your school and professional, so, first, at least, no matter who read your resume, academic and professional first saw you, You should think you learning ability is good, he also don’t know if not all, right, so according to full-time, especially if you have the following technical and project experience there are well written, so you the opportunity to interview, OK, will improve a lot, although the degree of many enterprises still does not admit, But at least we get an interview, right? In other words, if true interview went up, so earned?

I have introduced the above part about school, and now I will talk about the aspect of professional skills

Professional skills

These days I have seen several resumes, including before I also when a week of one side of the interviewer, read a lot of resumes, I think, most resumes have a common fault, is professional skills to write is really really really really! (Important things three times) Shit!

Here are a few examples:

Number one bad (key five stars)

Professional Skills:

Spring, mysql, Mybatis, Redis, SpringBoot, SpringCloud…

I just want to ask, are you sure this is a good preparation of resume? Yes, I admit that most people don’t know how to write a resume, hence this article, but there should be a limit. It’s not about whether you can write, it’s about whether you can write well

Second worst (key four stars)

Professional Skills:

Familiar with Java development frameworks (e.g. Spring, Mybatis, Springboot, etc.)

Familiar with MySQL

Familiar with Redis…

The biggest problem here, you should be able to see what is familiar with Java development framework, Spring, Mybatis, SpringBoot, etc., this I really confused… It’s a frame for the interviewer to guess what you’re good at. Or do you just write these things and not the rest? If I were the interviewer, I would pass

Third worst (key three stars)

What did you see?? Nothing, right? Yeah, because they just don’t write about their expertise, and they either write in more detail in the project to let the interviewer know what you know, or they write really well in the project, if the former is ok, or the latter. All I can say is… You really don’t stand a chance. I just want to say, what you know doesn’t equal what you’ve done. If you know springCloud, and you use this framework to modify your company’s existing projects, but your company’s project is only SSM, then congratulations to you, successfully let the interviewer know that you do not know micro services, do not know micro services.

Fourth worst (key two stars)

Professional Skills:

Familiar with Spring, Mybatis, SrpingMVC

Familiar with SpringCloud, Dubbo

Familiar with Redis, Mysql, Oracle database

Familiar with ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ message queue

Familiar with Elasticsearch

Be familiar with…

The fourth-largest rotten, precisely, is bad, because at present most people are so to write a resume, but, I want to say, here to say with me how to write a professional skills, is bad, what is familiar with, so could you please tell me, you are familiar with is not as good bai, or is all the technology stack you are good, so are familiar with? If you have a good background, or if you have a good degree. Ok.

Next, I will tell you about how to write !!!! in this section of professional technology

How to write professional skills

First of all, think about how to write a composition? For example, I got up. This sentence, look flat light, no taste, so how to make him vivid?

I finally got up before my last alarm!

After this change, do you find that it is much more vivid than ME to get up, at least let the reader feel that this person is very handsome, but also very lazy, right, so many times the alarm did not get up, this last time to get up

So, the same is true of our expertise. Now let’s change it. Fourth worst


Professional Skills:

1. Solid Foundation of Java, familiar with PC memory architecture and Java memory model, in-depth understanding of the underlying principles of JVM, JVM garbage collection algorithm, familiar with the use of various JVM garbage collectors. 2. Have a deep understanding of Java concurrency, familiar with volatile, sychronized, lock, etc., and know how to achieve 3. Proficient in using Spring, Mybatis, SpringMVC framework, and have a deep understanding of Spring IOC and AOP, can do some secondary development based on Spring. 4. Deeply understand the Redis thread model, master the application scenarios of various core structures of Redis, be familiar with Redis multi-level cache, and various coping strategies under high concurrency, such as cache breakdown, cache penetration, cache invalidity, and double-write inconsistency. I have a certain understanding of Redis recycling strategy and how the core structure of Redis is implemented.

Do you notice the difference? Yes, I added a lot of modification and the Redis this sentence, for example, wrote a long words, all I know about Redis written out, so that the interviewer see, first of all, the first point is felt that this person is good, you know so much about Redis or other, second, is to ask the interviewer will be based on, but not you write, If you are familiar with Redis, the interviewer will not know what you are familiar with, whether you are familiar with the high concurrency situation of Redis, or how the core structure of Redis is implemented, or how to use Redis scenarios. Without knowing, the interviewer is not going to start asking questions based on you, he’s going to start asking questions based on what he knows best. Right? After all, he can’t guess what you can do, or ask you to say what you can do first. So, that this man is a problem, you want to remember, the interviewer is used for mining, your advantage of your strengths, if you wrote, so the interviewer ask you wrote, but ask you don’t write, you won’t, so he must have head is sick, that the company is also a garbage company, perhaps the interviewer will ask some of you haven’t written above, That also is meeting ask these to write first, see you answer of still good, again went deep to ask to see you specific grasp of in the end have much depth good to you have a qualified evaluation, so, everybody saw here, want to job-hopping, resume not too line, still not hurriedly change??

Let’s talk about the project experience

Experience in project

In fact, when it comes to project experience, everyone’s resume is about the same

Such as:

Project Experience:

Xx project:

Xx project is XXX…

What technology stack was used in the project: XXX

What was responsible for in the project: XXX

Ok, so no problem, basically all is written so, but just to write, so if you are in a big company, the project is a good project, such as taobao, trill, WeChat, qq or not to say that, the little red book, or some other good software, you have to write so, ok, no problem, after all, the project is more famous, and many people know, The interviewer knows the technical difficulties, but you have a management system. You write that too… That’s not really appropriate. In this case, I would like to give you some advice

If your project is a small project and it’s a management system, that sort of thing, then you write the difficult business, the complex business, and whatever the project is. SQL optimization, write, do not say this kind of project does not need optimization, this is just your personal habit, must write SQL to the best or I do not feel comfortable! If you have any experience with Linxu, put it all there

There is some own project startup, this is good, because it is the company’s own this kind of project is not a management system, the user base is uncertain, and the somebody else is also uncertain, optimize the optimization, hard Dui Dui technical difficulties, performance optimization, do the pressure test, no standard, how to optimize and how to troubleshoot, positioning problem, write, SQL optimization, code optimization, you can also exaggerate to write, or you are what social projects, e-commerce projects such as this, online video what much to go, see, learn from each other, you know, and then combined with their real, OK, you here is relatively good

Remember, be sure to let the interviewer know what good things you did in this project. If it’s just CRUD, sorry, it can be done by an individual. You ask someone who doesn’t know how to program, copy a demo, and then change the name of the table, the name of the field, the name of the class, the name of the method, and so on

Finally, resume:


To tell the truth, this piece, I also have nothing to say, their company is what to write what, also can’t change can’t optimize, but, the suggestion, if it is two or three months small half a year of this, or don’t write up, otherwise write will ask, and write more, affect the overall effect of the resume, interview opportunities will be reduced, thank you

Well, this is temporary to write, write in haste, may write not very good, but I believe that we will have a big receipt of goods, I write nuggets so many days, adhere to give you dry goods, non dry goods I do not write! Have what don’t understand, can add me WX: LTZ1321011206 to ask me, welcome everyone to find me exchange.