Render Echarts using a DataV component – DV-border-box-12 as a container not adaptive
      class="grid-content bg-purple"
      style="height: 100%"
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First, dv-border-box-12 bindingkeyCan be bound to the outer div if the layout is raster
      class="grid-content bg-purple"
      style="height: 100%"
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Listen for changes in the height and width of the interface container to change the key and trigger the container to render again
    window.addEventListener("resize", function (e) {
    this.$nextTick(() => {
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If the el-Menu component is indented, changes in the interface container cannot be monitored
computed: { listData() { return this.$store.state.isCollapseVal; }, watch: {listData(val) {if (val == false) {this.fontsizeTrue = true; } else { this.fontsizeTrue = false; } var chart_1 = echarts.init(document.getElementById("main2")); chart_1.resize(); this.key++; Echarts also ADAPTS to rendering by listening for changes in the store declaration variable isCollapseVal, which triggers key changes to the container againCopy the code