GitHub Universe is GitHub’s annual event, which brings together top developers from around the world to share their experiences and keep up with the latest developments in the industry. Rare-earth was the first to grab a ticket to San Francisco for a live broadcast. In 2017, Universe was selected at Pier 70, which is similar to the 798 industrial factory in Beijing. Of course, GitHub has made a lot of changes here — GitHub elements are everywhere.

Join us to see what’s in store for GitHub and open source ecology this year!

Octocat’s huge inflatable statue

Faith recharge center

GitHub Universe Attendance Certificate

The main venue, the conference is about to begin

Session 1: Open Keynote

GitHub CEO

Chris Wanstrath

First up was Chris Wanstrath, co-founder and CEO of GitHub, who shared his passion for open source, developers and new technologies and why he started GitHub in the first place. More important is GitHub’s current operational data:

  1. 67000000 the Repositories
  2. 53000000 or Visitors
  3. 1500000 Teams
  4. 1300000 Student Developers
  5. 2100000 or the Atom to the Users
  6. 404 Registered Electron Apps
  7. 100000000 Pull Requests Merged
  8. 3,300 First Pull Request per Day
  9. 1500000000 Commits this Year
Over 100 million Pull Requests have been merged on GitHub

There were more than 1.5 billion Commits on GitHub this year

GitHub Data – Engineering Manger

The beauty to the

Community Actions

Using user behavior data to understand what users want most, and now the most important thing is Learning GitHub, it seems like the first Learning curve is heavy. And made some important improvements.

Recommended, hot Repositories can be found in the information stream

Now you have more information in your stream, such as Discovery Repositories, which finds new Repositories and recommends them to you based on user data.

When a user contributes to a Repo concurrent issue, there are Contributing Guidelines to help the contributor.

Community Curation

New Explore page

The new Explore page helps developers learn about new libraries, including collections to Focus on a major area such as Machine Learning or React.

The React Topic page

Based on a Topic, there are separate pages to find all the relevant information.


Navigate to the line of code you need with the quick jump feature

When looking at the code, you can use the quick jump function to find the specific location more easily. When you put the Pull Request, you can see all the information.

Code metadata

The Dependency Graph gives you a better understanding of all the Dependency libraries

Releasing the Dependency Graph allows you to view the Dependency relationships and all Dependency libraries in the library Insights. For example, dependencies on Gems or NPM in Rails.

Users are concerned about the Security and stability of open source libraries, and GitHub will help you flag Security alerts to remind you if the library you are using is reliable.

Code changes

Prompt for dependent library updates

As you develop libraries and dependencies that are updated, this information can be seen through the Dependency Graph, making it easier to track changes to your Code.

All of these features will be available in the foreseeable future, no later than 2018.

The most popular language is undoubtedly JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the fastest-growing programming languages and open source ecosystems, and GitHub partners such as Gemnasium, Snyk, and SourceClear work together to ensure the security and stability of the open source library.

GitHub abstracts all the user data and generates a huge Code Graph, which GitHub will continue to use to dig into more application scenarios, such as Code Review, Pull Request and more.

Director of Ecosystem Engineer

Top Repo and Organization on GitHub

The most star repo on GitHub is TensorFlow, Bootstrap, and Gitignore, while Vue, the leading front-end framework on Gold mining, ranks sixth. The most popular repo teams are VSCode, React Native, and NPM.

PS: Gitignore is the top 3 repo? ! [Black question mark face]


In order to enable open source library Maintainers to better manage and maintain their own Repo, Contributor Convenant now makes it easy to identify recent PR Contributors in the open source library as contributors to continuously contribute to the open source library.

New feature: Open source library maintainers can now Block users

Maintainer can now block users to prevent some users from continuing to contribute content.

The is also constantly updated to make it easier for new opensource authors to learn how to maintain and monetize.

GitHub Community Forum is a Forum for GitHub users to discuss with other members of the Community and GitHub employees

GitHub launched the Community Forum on October 31, where everyone can discuss, question and answer, and present the good and bad.

Business Functions

GitHub for Business continues to update to help more small and medium Business users better use GitHub.

GitHub Enterprise continues to be updated with new features:

  • Geo-replication
  • Governor
  • Hotpatching

Phone Support, urgent respond or even respond directly.


9,300,000 plugins are used by GitHub Marketplace users, and over 60% of users use Integrations. 200,000,000 Daily GraphQL API is called every day, and 400,000+ applications are being used.

This feature will be available at the end of October.


GitHub is also seeing a wave of updates

GitHub is more convenient to use. It works with VSCode, Atom, Unity, and other editors, and can be deeply bundled with Git in various ides.

Open in Xcode connects to Xcode directly from GitHub

In the code display page has an IDE – like function, can quickly jump to the file.

You can share pieces of code more easily, and each piece of code can generate a separate link and be better called.

A large GitHub Team can be more granular with sub teams to manage code permissions.

Team Discussion allows people in a Team to collaborate and communicate

The new Team Discussion feature makes it easy for a Team to discuss business requirements, even internal requirements lists, and so on. Private Beta is available.

The CEO comes on again

The next generation of Software Development needs concerted efforts, so that more people can understand this industry, enter this industry and make this industry flourish. We are the Builders, Creators, and only we can work together to make this market better.

We’re excited about what software has to offer the world in the future, and we all believe in GitHub and all developers working together to explore the boundaries of the world.

Programming is not about typing.

It is about thinking, about solving problems.

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