Ruby on Rails codebase revoked due to license error, causing chaos for 500,000 projects.

On Wednesday, Bastien Nocera, the maintainer of a shared-MIme-info software library, informed Daniel Mendler, the maintainer of a Ruby library called Mimemagic, Said he distributed Mimemagic under an incompatible software license: the shared MIME-info library was licensed under the GPLv2 license, while Mimemagic was listed as an MIT licensed project.

“Using a GPL file as a source file makes your entire code base derivative, making it all GPL, so I think it’s important that this issue is corrected before anyone uses it in a pure MIT code base, or in closed source applications, “Nocera wrote in a Issues post.

“You also need to re-add the GPL to the shared MIME-info XML file as a matter of urgency. It was stripped in the tarballs release by the tool used to merge translations, but is visible in version of the same file.

Mendler thanked Nocera for letting him know and quickly moved the latest releases, 0.4.0 and 0.3.6, under GPLv2, and removed the previous release from, the package registry used by Ruby developers. He then archived Mimemagic’s GitHub repo, which meant it was no longer under active development.


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