1. Use the network request that comes with the applets
  2. Get the image base64 from canvas
  3. Get globally unique file manager to read local file content


<button type="primary" bindtap="btnChooseImage">Copy the code


async btnChooseImage() {
      count: 1.sizeType: ['original'.'compressed'].sourceType: ['album'.'camera'].success: (res) = > {
        const tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths;
        tempFilePaths.forEach(val= > {
          // Method 1 uses the network request that comes with the applet
          Method 2 canvas gets the image base64
          // Get globally unique file manager to read local file contents
          this.getImageBase64_readFile(val); }); }})}Copy the code

1. Use the network request provided by the applets

async getImageTobase64_url(tempFilePath) {
    const base64 = await new Promise(resolve= > {
        url: tempFilePath,
        responseType: 'arraybuffer'.// Key parameter to set the returned data format to arrayBuffer
        success: res= > {
          // Convert arrayBuffer to base64
          let data = wx.arrayBufferToBase64(res.data);
          return resolve(('data:image/jpeg; base64,'+ data)); }}); });return base64;
Copy the code

2. Use Canvas to obtain image Base64


<canvas id="myCanvas" type="2d" hidden="true"></canvas>
Copy the code


 // js
 // Use canvas to get the image base64
  async getImageBase64_canvas(tempFilePath) {
    const {
    } = await wx.getImageInfo({
      src: tempFilePath
    const base64 = await new Promise(resolve= > {
      const query = wx.createSelectorQuery();
        node: true./ / for the node
      }).exec(res= > {

        let {
          node: canvas
        } = res[0];

        let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
        let image = canvas.createImage();

        image.src = tempFilePath;
        image.onload = () = > {
          ctx.drawImage(image, 0.0, width, height);
    return base64;
Copy the code

3. Obtain a globally unique file manager to read local file contents

async getImageBase64_readFile(tempFilePath) {
  const base64 = await new Promise(resolve= > {
    // Get globally unique file manager
    wx.getFileSystemManager().readFile({ // Read local file contents
      filePath: tempFilePath, // File path
      encoding: 'base64'.// Return the format
      success: ({ data }) = > {
        return resolve('data:image/png; base64,'+ data); }}); });return base64;
Copy the code


Recommend to use for globally unique file manager Read a local file content Note: base libraries to be greater than or equal to 1.9.9 blog: blog.csdn.net/caozhanp/ar…