Want to build a career in machine learning? Recommend you greedy institute (the only systematic AI institute in China) “advanced machine learning training camp”. Training camp full live teaching mode, close contact with top lecturers.

Here are four reasons why I recommend it to you:

** Advanced Machine Learning Training Camp **

Teaching of global frontier AI scientific Research achievements \

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Added course consultant little sister, note [machine learning] \

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** Advanced Machine Learning Training Camp **

Teaching of global frontier AI scientific Research achievements \

???? ???? ????

Added course consultant little sister, note [machine learning] \

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02 Course Development tutor

03 Live lecture, live derivation demonstration

Different from the poor PPT explanation, the tutor deduces the whole process on site, allowing you to have a clear idea in learning and a profound understanding of every detail of the derivation behind the algorithm model. More importantly, you can clearly see the relationships between the various models! Help you get through six pulses!

▲ From: CRF and Log-Linear model explanation

▲ From: CRF and Log-Linear model explanation

▲ from: Convex Optimization

▲ from: Convergence Analysis

No matter how many obstacles you encounter in your learning process, you can solve them in four ways:

1. Ask the tutor directly online;

2. Record it in the shared document and answer questions live at fixed time every day;

3. Full-time teaching assistants in the learning community, ready to ask questions

4. Common problems will be explained in Review Session

Note: The class teacher will record every question and answer for students to check in real time.

Who is the course for?

Weekly course arrangement

The teaching method is live broadcast, 3-4 times per week, including core theory class, practical class, review and consolidation class and paper explanation class. The teaching model also refers to the teaching system of America’s top universities. The following is one week’s course schedule for your reference.

** Advanced Machine Learning Training Camp **

Teaching of global frontier AI scientific Research achievements \

???? ???? ????

Added course consultant little sister, note [machine learning] \

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06 Your essential challenges

1. Write technical articles

By publishing relevant technical articles on Zhihu to test my own achievements, it is also a way of collision of ideas. The tutor will write a detailed comment on each article published. What if you accidentally become a big V? Although the process of writing the article is extremely painful, the study group in the middle of the night howling, but look at the article written by holding the hair is very happy! Looking at the number of thumbs up, we all silently thanked our mentors for their ruthlessness!

This kind of full sense of achievement, let everyone write one after another!

Everyone immediately changed into Zhihu Daniu ~

2. Project Project

In addition to the article, the algorithm engineer’s foundation — project code, the tutor will not let go. For each assignment in Gitlab, tutors will lead a team of teaching assistants to give detailed correction and feedback. And force you to constantly optimize!

** Advanced Machine Learning Training Camp **

Teaching of global frontier AI scientific Research achievements \

???? ???? ????

Added course consultant little sister, note [machine learning] \

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