Java Data Structures and Algorithms, 2nd Edition…Extraction code: F6Y5

This book teaches how to arrange and manipulate data in an easy-to-understand way, with some difficult problems; Understand these knowledge in order to make the computer application obtain the best performance. Regardless of the language or platform, understanding data structures and algorithms will improve the quality and performance of your program.

This book provides a set of visual discussion topics to illustrate the main topics; It uses the Java language to illustrate important concepts while avoiding the complexities of C/C in order to focus on data structures and algorithms.

Veteran author Robert Lafore provides many straightforward examples. The lengthy and tedious mathematical proofs common to such propositions are avoided. In the second edition, he revised and expanded on the examples in the book, taking advantage of new features of the Java language. There are questions and exercises at the end of each chapter to give readers a chance to test their understanding.

Introduction What's New in the Second Edition Additional Topics end-of-chapter Questions Experiments Programming Projects What This Book Is About What's Different About This Book Easy tO Understand Workshop Applets Java Example Code Who This BookIs For What YoU Need to Know Before You Read This Book The Software You Need to Use This Book How This Book  Is Organized Enjoy Yourself! 1 Overvlew What Are Data Structures and Algorithms Good For? Real-world Data Storage Programmer's Tools Real-world Modeling Overview of Data Structures Overview of Algorithms Some Definitions Database Record Field Key Object-Oriented Programming Problems with Procedural Languages Objects in a Nutshell A Runnable Object-Oriented Program Inheritance and Polymorphism Software Engineering Java for C Programmers No Pointers Overloaded Operators Primitive Variable Types Input/Output Java Library Data Structures Summary Questions 2 Arrays The Array Workshop Applet Insertion Searching Deletion The Duplicates Issue NOtTbo Swift The Basics of Arrays in Iava Creating an Array Accessing Array Elements InitializatiOn An Array Example Dividing a Program into Classes Classes LowArray and LowArrayApp Class Interfaces NOt SO Convenient Who's Responsible for What? The higharray. j Ava Example The User's Life Made Easier Abstraction The Ordered Workshop Applet Linear Search Binary Search Java Code for an Ordered Array Binary Search with the findMethod The OrdArray Class Advantages of Ordered Arrays Logarithms The Equation The Opposite of Raising Two to a Power 3 Simple Sorting 4 Stacks and Queues 5 Linked Lists 6 Recursion 7 Advanced Sorting 8 Binary Trees 9 Red-Black Trees 10 2-3-4 Trees and External Storage 11 Hash Tables 12 Heaps 13 Graphs 14 Weighted Graphs 15 When to Use What Appendixes A Running the Workshop Applets and Example Programs B Further Reading C Answers to QuestionsCopy the code

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