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    <title>Draw a clock</title>
        div {
            text-align: center;
        window.onload = function ({
            // Get the canvas
            var canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
            // Get context --> Get brushes
            var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
            function clock({
                // Draw the disk
                context.beginPath();  // Start path
                / / Math. PI - 180 degrees
                /* Parameters set the center of the circle x coordinates, the center of the circle y coordinates, circle radius, start radian, end radian */
                context.arc(300.300.200.0.Math.PI * 2);
                // Set the brush style
                context.fillStyle = 'tomato';
                context.closePath();  // End the path
                // Draw the time degree
                for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
                    context.save();  // Set the environment
                    context.lineWidth = 4;
                    // Shift the origin
                    context.rotate(i * (Math.PI / 6));
                    context.moveTo(0, -180);  // Draw a line starting at (0,-180)
                    context.lineTo(0, -200);  // End at (0,-200)
                    // Draw the outline
                    context.fillStyle = 'black';
                    context.font = '28px bold';
                    context.rotate(Math.PI / 6);
                    // Make the number appear around the clock without this code
                    context.fillText(i + 1, -10, -220);
                    context.restore();  // Put the drawn element back on the canvas
                // Draw the scale
                for (i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
                    context.rotate(i * Math.PI / 30);  // Set the rotation Angle
                    context.moveTo(0, -190);
                    context.lineTo(0, -200);
                // Get the current time
                var today = new Date(a);var hour = today.getHours();
                var min = today.getMinutes();
                var sec = today.getSeconds();
                hour = hour + min / 60;
                // Draw an hour hand
                context.lineWidth = 3;
                context.rotate(hour * Math.PI / 6);
                context.lineTo(0, -80);
                // Draw the minute hand
                context.lineWidth = 2;
                context.rotate(min * Math.PI / 30);
                context.lineTo(0, -100);
                // Draw the second hand
                context.lineWidth = 1;
                context.rotate(sec * Math.PI / 30);
                context.strokeStyle = 'red';
                context.lineTo(0, -120);
                // Draw the second hand intersection
                context.arc( * 2);
                context.fillStyle = '#ccc';
                context.strokeStyle = 'red';
                setTimeout(clock, 1000);  // Timeout simulates intermittent
        <canvas width="600px" height="600px"></canvas>
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