I would like to talk about my personal experience, hoping to give some effective information to my interview partners. Everybody must refueling ~

Basic situation

First, LET’s talk about my personal information. I am a junior student in Shandong province, majoring in computer science and technology. I mainly studied Android development, so I invested in Android development engineers. After the year began to prepare for internship, invested in Zhihu, pushed ali Mushroom Street, Tencent, Baidu, netease. Tencent baidu did not receive the interview, Zhihu Skype interview, Mogujie Ali telephone interview, netease on-site interview. Zhihu was rejected in the second interview, Mogujie Ali was rejected in the first interview, netease was rejected in the third interview, and then it was a spare candidate. I was informed a few days ago and received the offer. I have sorted out the questions I have been asked, and now I share them with you. In addition, I will send you some information I have sorted out, hoping to help you find a job.


Before the interview, the HR will call you in advance to set the interview time, and then give your Skype account to the HR. Then the interviewer will friend you and start the interview.


  • To introduce myself
  • What projects have you worked on
  • Cross-thread communication mainly involves LooperMessageHandler and MessageQueue
  • So I’m going to talk a little bit about the details of customizing a View and I’m going to talk a little bit about the three main processes for drawing a View: onDraw() don’t do time-consuming things don’t create new objects and how do you handle touch events in a View
  • Ps: Override the dispatchEvent() or touch() methods
  • Handwritten code: You are given an infinite number (expressed as a string), and the result is calculated by adding one to the number. Handwritten code is ps on this website: The interviewer sends you a link to the code that the interviewer will see simultaneously

Second interview

  • Handwritten code Two ordered lists merge into one ordered list
  • What are the public methods in Object ps: clone(); toString(); wait(); notify(); getClass(); finalize(); equals(); hashCode();
  • Let’s talk about the optimization method of listView
  • Let’s talk about the difference between RecycleView and ListView
  • View drawing process


  • Asked general situation for instance when can practice ah take an examination of one’s deceased father grind
  • What are the algorithms
  • What project did you work on that you didn’t talk about project optimization
  • The startup mode of the Activity
  • Cross-thread communication
  • Kua process communication is mainly Android AIDL
  • How do I parse JSON data and XML

Mushroom street

  • Tell me about your project
  • Ps: onLayout(); onMeasrue(); onDraw();
  • The optimization of RecycleView
  • The difference between several contexts
  • Have you read any source code
  • Binder class
  • The only way to start a child Thread is new Thread().start();
  • Difference between HashMap and HashTable
  • The difference between raw and Assets folders
  • What happens to threads that have not yet finished running after an activity is closed
  • Merging rules for Mainfest files


Ps: reimbursement round trip fare reimbursement limit is 600 yuan this back did not remember may not be complete


  • To introduce myself
  • Cross-thread communication
  • How is one of the projects implemented? How do you spell jsoup = =
  • What open source libraries have you used and what is the architecture
  • Java’s four types of reference virtual references
  • Ps: When the priority queue is full, delete some images according to the priority. Determine the priority according to the LRU algorithm
  • Ps: JNINativeMethod: JNINativeMethod
  • Do you have any hobbies = = PS: you can dive for days and then come up by yourself


  • The four launch modes of the activity
  • The service life cycle
  • Talk about your project
  • What do you use JNI for the project and why do you use him
  • What is the OAuth protocol for
  • I don’t remember much else


  • When can you come in for the internship and how long
  • How to choose multiple offers
  • You have team development experience. How do you resolve internal conflicts
  • How do you like Hangzhou
  • Why choose netease
  • Ps: Have you ever eaten Netease pork
  • Other than that, it seemed like an hour of talking