Abstract: Recently, Huawei Cloud TechWave cloud native media service special Day was successfully held online. Huawei cloud audio and video services are officially upgraded to Huawei cloud media services. What is the driving force behind the upgrade? Represents huawei cloud in audio and video, media industry which new layout? Xue Hao, general manager of Huawei Cloud Media Service Product Department, made a comprehensive interpretation on the special Topic Day.

This article is shared from Huawei cloud community “Huawei Cloud Xue Hao: Media business has entered the era of comprehensive cloud, cloud native has become an inevitable choice”, the original author: audio and video manager.

Recently, Huawei Cloud TechWave cloud native media service special Day was successfully held online. Huawei cloud audio and video services are officially upgraded to Huawei cloud media services. What is the driving force behind the upgrade? Represents huawei cloud in audio and video, media industry which new layout? Xue Hao, general manager of Huawei Cloud Media Service Product Department, made a comprehensive interpretation on the special Topic Day.

Media business is changing rapidly, from traditional paper media to radio and TELEVISION, from graphic and VOD downloads in the PC Internet era, to the popularity of short video and live broadcast on mobile Internet, as well as the rapidly emerging interactive video and cloud games, VR/AR, holographic image and Metaverse are also coming into reality.

“Three Mountains” restricting the Development of media Industry

One is that in media production, from Avatar in 2009 to Alita in 2019, the amount of computing power required to create stunning images has grown exponentially. At the same time, the content production efficiency is extremely low and the distribution of production island is fragmented. In addition, high-quality content files are increasingly large, requiring manual and hard disk delivery, which takes time and effort. These problems greatly limit the mass production of media content.

Second, in the field of media distribution, according to the prediction of professional institutions, the global traffic has increased by 12 times in five years, with high-quality and interactive videos becoming the main growth force. Traffic growth also faces challenges: high bandwidth costs, more real-time interaction requirements, and complex network structures, which make it difficult to communicate with each other.

Third, in the field of media application, video sharing has become the mainstream, while basic innovation is weak, business homogenization is serious, and new business innovation is increasingly difficult. The core reason is that the threshold of VR/AR industry is relatively high, which involves collaborative innovation in many fields. How to connect technological innovation in multiple fields and shorten the gap of industrial chain is a problem that every media practitioner should think about.

From audio and video to media services, cloud native has become an inevitable choice

To solve the “three mountains” and solve the key problems restricting the development of the media industry, cloud native has become the only solution, because cloud computing, AI and other technologies bring advanced productivity, will greatly improve the production and distribution efficiency of the media industry.

In the field of media production, Huawei Cloud launched full-process media production services, using cloud native technology to change the way of media production: in the shooting stage, it provides virtual shooting and 3D shooting services, breaking through the limitations of human and physical, so that high-quality content production can be carried out anytime and anywhere; In the production stage, ** greatly shortens the production cycle through fast upload, real-time rendering and transcoding. Meanwhile, ** provides cloud production service, realizes online media production tools through cloud desktop, and realizes remote editing operation by multiple people at the same time. In the release stage, it provides cloud release services, which can be released to multiple channels with one click, realizing transmission and release, protecting intellectual property rights and eliminating piracy.

In the media distribution phase, factors such as experience, efficiency and cost need to be considered to achieve the optimal balance for different businesses. Based on this, Huawei Cloud reconstructs the media network to achieve global coverage through a unified architecture and decouples the application layer, transport layer, and network layer to support full-mesh omnidirectional distribution. In terms of resources, it adopts distributed edge and containerized deployment to support flexible expansion and realize efficient multi-protocol support, resource scale reuse, time-sharing staggered peak and intelligent scheduling. In terms of application, it provides millisecond ultra-low delay live broadcasting and develops congestion control algorithms to achieve reliable transmission in weak network environment. At the same time, based on SLA, intelligent QoS guarantee, realize automatic network operation and maintenance. Through end-to-end, edge, and cloud collaboration, huawei provides customers with more efficient and high-quality media distribution services by leveraging huawei’s full-stack technology advantages.

For media application innovation, Huawei Cloud suggests connecting various digital capabilities together to form large-scale and continuous innovation based on the cloud. Based on its own practice, Huawei Cloud integrates huawei’s technology accumulation in computing power, media, communications, AI and end-to-end cloud collaboration, and opens and shares huawei cloud conference, which has been polished by 180,000 Huawei people, to the industry in a service-oriented way, enabling industry innovation. Benefiting from the cloud, Huawei Cloud conference not only provides professional conference services, becoming the first choice for national conferences, but also can be integrated into multiple industrial application scenarios as PaaS services, enabling agile development, flexible innovation and enabling industries.

Media AI is the high ground of the media business and is changing the way media is produced, developed and used. Based on the Pangu Model, Huawei Cloud is also constantly improving its media AI capabilities to help media businesses achieve higher efficiency and better experience.

Huawei cloud native media services, grow together with the industry

In the media business pentium forward at the same time, cloud native has become an inevitable trend. Huawei cloud from the av upgrade to cloud native media service, first of all, based on huawei cloud infrastructure in the world, using cloud native technology, reconstruction of media network, play media foundation, then focus on the media production and processing, distribution and application of the three scenarios, provides the high quality media services, to help the industry improve media production and distribution efficiency. Finally, with technological innovation, melt into the upgrading and development tide of thousands of industries, and industry partners, customers grow together. Cloud Original media service is looking forward to working with you to promote industry upgrading, achieve higher efficiency, create better experience and better meet the future world with technological innovation.

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