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Project Introduction:

Springboot Scenic spot tourism management system,

System Description:

The project was introduced to Springboot scenic spot management system. The project is divided into the front desk website display and background management.

The main functions of the front desk website are: user login, registration; The home page has hot hotel, hot scenic spot, scenic play guide, hot road and other modules; Secondly, the navigation bar has scenic play road, I care about the road; Scenic play strategy, THE strategy I released, the strategy I pay attention to; Online hotel reservation, scenic spot reservation, my reservation, etc. The main functions of background management are: user management, hotel management, scenic spot management, strategy management, road management, etc.;

Environment requirements 1. Operating environment: Preferably Java JDK 1.8, on which we are running. Other versions could theoretically do the same.

2.IDE environment: IDEA, Eclipse,Myeclipse can. To introduce the IDEA; 3. Tomcat environment: Tomcat 7. X,8. X,9. Hardware environment: Windows 7/8/10 1G memory above; Or Mac OS; 5. Maven project: Yes; See if pom.xml is included in the source directory; If yes, it is a Maven project; otherwise, it is a non-Maven project.

Technology stack 1. Backend: SpringBoot

2. Front-end: HTML + Layui + Bootstrap +jQuery

1. Use IDEA/Eclipse/MyEclipse to import the project. When importing Eclipse/MyEclipse, select Maven if it is a Maven project. For a Maven project, run maven clean after the import is successful. Maven install command to download the required JAR package.

2. Use Navicat or other tools to create a database with the corresponding title in mysql, and import the PROJECT SQL file; 3. Change the database configuration in the application.yml configuration file of the project to my own configuration 4. Configure Tomcat, then run the project, type localhost:8087/travel login 5. Administrator account :admin Password :admin

Account: User Password: 123456

Operation screenshots

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Graduation thesis, course design, company project reference

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