Is Android still learnable?

If you ask this question in the Android developer community. The unanimous answer is don’t learn Android!!

Then you’ll see Android engineers who have been working for a few years start switching careers!!

But very few people will actually tell you, why not?

Analysis from market environment

Android has a very high share of the mobile market, right? Ios has a much smaller share of the mobile market than Android. So why do many people still recommend not learning Android? Seems like a paradox?

Let’s talk about the first issue, which is the demand for Android development. Although Android has a very high share, it is very important for development jobs. In general, the development of an Android app basically corresponds to an ios version. In fact, however high the occupancy rate, the demand for development may be basically the same.

Then android development hit a plateau. In the past, there might be 10W developers with 100W job demands, but now there will be no such situation, but there may be 100W developers with insufficient demand, so the demand is less, so it is not a good choice to enter this field.

But even if the JavaEE platform may be more posts, but there will be more talent, all industries will basically continue to develop in a stable period, but the possibility of subversion said that all platforms will encounter, so this can not be used for Android.

So can you learn android?

No matter which direction to choose, Java or Android or C/C ++ are not different, there will be graduates unable to find a job, there will be graduates into the first line of the great god, the problem is no longer to choose which, but to understand how to stay in the lead in the competition, rather than passive.

Is There really less demand for Android?

If you’re an experienced developer and you have some skills, you can look at the job boards and see that there are still a lot of new positions waiting to be filled every day, but you can’t find anyone to fill them. So the industry right now, it’s not that there’s no shortage of people, there’s a lot of confirmation, but there’s a shortage of really competent senior engineers.

Do you really think you can do those jobs?

I’m not sure how many developers are still wondering if Kotlin should learn?

I’m not sure. How many people don’t even know what Jetpack is

But I know a lot of programmers who don’t even get MVP/MVVM

If you ask me if I can’t do this, I can’t do Android? Isn’t that a little alarmist?

So you must understand a truth, that is, if you want to continue to learn Android, learn to establish a foothold in this industry, you must think carefully to understand, how to learn, why to learn, learn what, learn what degree, if these are not to understand, can you do these well?

To summarize

All industries need senior engineers who can really do things. If you have the ability, don’t worry. When Sybian dominated the world and was defeated by Android, those Sybian engineers are basically the veterans of Android now. Even if Android falls down, you have this foundation is not worried, if your strength is only a little knowledge of Android, even if you change the platform is the same, what is important is not how this platform, but how you learn, if you are a god, even if Android falls down like you god. And the Android market is out there right now, so why worry? Android is unlikely to disappear in the next few years, so don’t worry about whether android will learn or not. But do you really want to do this? If you don’t like it, choose the one you like. If you want to continue, change yourself into a person who can survive in this industry.

The expected future

2021 Android exactly how to learn the future will be released, is revising, if you want to see can private me!