With the proliferation of Cloud computing, we often hear a term: Cloud Native. However, one of the most frequently mentioned concepts in CloudNative is Serverless. So, what exactly is Serverless? What is the standard definition of it? What is a Serverless architecture? What are its values and advantages?

We’ve talked a lot about these issues, but we’ve put too little practice into them. This may have something to do with Serverless’s longstanding lack of standards. The main reason, however, may be that it is difficult for us, as developers, to practice Serverless from scratch, and even harder to scale it up.

In fact, Serverless and the existing cloud computing technology system is not a replacement, but a complementary relationship.

That is to say, when we discuss the application of Serverless technology, we do not want to use it to replace some of the original technology, but combined with the actual situation of the business, it will be integrated into the current technology architecture, and ultimately effectively improve productivity. To do this requires some architectural experience, as well as a deep understanding and thinking of the business. Just as we practice BFF (Backend For Frontend) architecture in Backend, Serverless is more like “BFF” between the cloud and the terminal. Through it, the cloud and terminal can be better “bonded”, and the r&d process of “end-to-end cloud integration” is finally realized.

Serverless as the most popular Internet architecture change in the past two years, is regarded as the front-end 3.0 era of technology, to the industry has brought a great change in technology, almost every front-end developers are talking about Serverless, but how to combine Serverless with business and the implementation is different opinions.

Maybe you’ll get some inspiration from Serverless: The Actual Serverless Architecture for Full Stack.

Book description

Based on Cloud Native technology, this book describes the basic principle and practical application of Serverless. The book first discusses the relationship between Serverless and current cloud computing technologies and front-end technologies, then discusses the history and underlying principles of Serverless’s two major capabilities (FaaS and BaaS), and provides guidance on how to use them based on practical application scenarios. The book begins by manually building a process-based FaaS architecture, then delving into the core of cloud computing services, explaining the principles and ideas behind them, to help readers understand the nature of next-generation software architecture. This book mainly introduces the principle and application of Serverless from the perspective of front-end developers. Whether it’s front-end developers who want to learn more about server-side technologies, full-stack engineers who are already involved in the back-end but want to learn more about cloud-native technologies, or architects who want to improve their team’s development efficiency through Serverless, you will benefit greatly from reading this book.

Features of this book:

  • Reveals the new paradigm of computing in the cloud era, represents the next generation of technology wave of Alibaba Group, and contributes a large number of front-end full-stack scenarios landing practices
  • The author, the front-end | Serverless, leader of the world’s technology direction, application with many years of actual combat and valuable experience to solve problem
  • Full stack with pragmatic view introduce Serverless architecture concept | implementation details, help the front-end engineers improve engineering capability
  • The three forces of Alibaba, Tencent and Bytedance are competing to recommend the end-to-end delivery integration solution proposed in this book, which can be realized independently at the front end

Author’s brief introduction

Yang Kai (Yatun), has more than 10 years of experience in front and rear end full stack research and development. He was once the head of Alibaba’s Tmall Wizard front end and participated in the construction process of Tmall Wizard from 0 to 1. Focusing on front-end architecture and user experience, I have rich practical experience in how BFF, micro front-end, Severless and other technologies can be applied to scale in business to improve r&d and collaboration efficiency, and improve user experience.

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