Linux as an open source system, often there will be developers in the above software development, for small white, obviously the Windows system is so convenient to use, why not above the program development? What’s the difference between Linux and Windows? Here are some of the differences between Linux and Windows. In China, DU is free for individual users of both Windows and Linux, and for public users of Windows, it is free for Linux. Technical support Windows provides a better help system than DAO, while most Linux users rely on the technical community for technical support. They can get useful information from chat boards and forums. The downside is that it often takes longer to get answers. 3. Safety safety is a very important issue. Both systems have vulnerabilities and potential security issues. Many administrators claim that Linux has more bugs than Windows, which of course is because it is open source. However, if you have a good administrator, security shouldn’t be a major issue, no matter what kind of operating system you’re using. Open source means open source software to the outside world. Linux is open source, Windows is not. There are two basic ideas behind Linux: first, everything is a file; Second, each file has a defined purpose. The first of these is that everything in the system boils down to a single file, including commands, hardware and software devices, operating systems, processes, etc., which are treated as files with their own characteristics or types for the operating system kernel. Linux is based on Unix in large part because the basic ideas are very similar. Linux is a free operating system that is freely available on the Web and elsewhere and can be modified at will. This is something no other operating system can do. Because of this, Linux grows and grows with the help of countless programmers from all over the world who can modify and write Linux to suit their own interests and inspirations. 3, fully compatible with POSIX1.0 standard, which makes it possible to run common DOS and Windows programs under Linux through the corresponding simulator. This sets the stage for users to switch from Windows to Linux. Many users, when considering Linux, are reassured by the fact that previously common programs on Windows will work. 4, multi-user, multi-task Linux supports multi-users, each user for their own file device has its own special rights, to ensure that each user does not affect each other. Multitasking is one of the most important features of modern computers. Linux allows multiple programs to run simultaneously and independently. 5, good interface Linux has both a character interface and a graphical interface. In the character interface, users can enter corresponding instructions through the keyboard to operate. It also provides an X-Window system with a Windows-like graphical interface that users can operate with a mouse. The X-Window environment is similar to Windows, a Linux version of Windows, so to speak. Linux can run on a variety of hardware platforms, such as x86, 680X0, SPARC, Alpha, etc. Linux is also an embedded operating system that can run on a PDA, set-top box or game console. The Linux 2.4 kernel, released in January 2001, fully supports Intel’s 64-bit chip architecture. Linux also supports multiprocessor technology. Multiple processors work at the same time, so that the system performance is greatly improved. Three, Windows features Linux and Windows differences 1, Windows operating system man-machine operability is excellent. Operating system is a platform for people to communicate with computer hardware, without good man-machine operation, it is difficult to attract the majority of users to use. In the field of mobile phones, Nokia phones can occupy half of the mobile phone market. The good interactivity of mobile phone operating system is one of the important factors for its success, and its rapid decline is also due to the outdated operating system. Windows operating system can be used as the main operating system of personal computer, its excellent man-machine operation is an important factor. The Windows operating system has a friendly interface, beautiful Windows, easy to learn operations, good inheritance between multiple generations of systems, high efficiency of computer resource management, good effect. 2. The Windows operating system supports many application software. As an excellent operating system, The Windows operating system is controlled and designed by Microsoft, which developed the operating system. As a result, a large number of commercial companies develop commercial software on the Operating system. A large number of applications of Windows operating system provide convenience for customers. These applications cover a wide range of categories, with perfect functions and good user experience. For example, the Windows operating system has a large number of multimedia application software to collect and manage multimedia resources. Customers only need to use these business software developed based on the system to enjoy the happiness brought by multimedia. 3. Windows operating system has good hardware support. The good adaptability of hardware is an important feature of Windows operating system. Windows operating system supports a variety of hardware platforms. The broad and free development environment for hardware manufacturers encourages these hardware companies to match Windows operating system, and encourages Windows operating system to constantly improve and improve. Meanwhile, the improvement of hardware technology also provides support for the expansion of operating system functions. In addition, the operating system supports a variety of hardware hot swap, convenient user use, is also welcomed by the majority of users.