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The original link:… Author: Pan Xinyu

Brother Gou: Our company has started work today, happy New Year!

In this article Why I Quit Google to Work for Myself, the author describes some of the problems he encountered in promotion defense at Google. For example, the promotion committee members do not know you or your project, and it is difficult to quantify your contribution to the project.

In fact, promotion defense this difficulty, technical people or sooner or later will encounter.

General company at the end of the year or the beginning of the year, are performance review, promotion defense period, our company is in the year, so, it is time to sort out a wave of promotion defense experience to share with you.

In recent years, I had the honor to serve as a defense judge, participated in the promotion defense of various ranks, and saw all kinds of defense scene. Just a few days ago, I also spent a lot of time in the promotion of the team partners, today I will talk to you about some promotion defense skills and common pit, in the road to help you.

First, preparation: learn to produce material rather than accumulate material

A debriefing promotion requires you to prepare a powerpoint presentation of your achievements since your last promotion or in the last year or so.

So, do you need to accumulate material in your daily work? My answer is: not necessarily!

Many people may have heard such a saying: “If you write the defense PPT without ideas, it is because there is no accumulation of materials at ordinary times. Usually to do the accumulation of defense materials, in order to better prepare defense PPT.”

That’s not the case.

In most companies, the answer is usually less than 20 minutes, which is 5 to 10 slides, and only enough time for you to explain one or two things clearly.

This requires you to show the best things you’ve done in the past year in a limited amount of time, and I don’t think you need to go to a library to pick them. If you’re struggling, it’s already a problem, which means everything you do is similar and your grades are mediocre.

So my advice to you is not to record material, but to produce material.

  • Get involved in as many difficult and difficult projects as you can if you have the opportunity.

  • If you haven’t worked on large projects, another point of production material is technical deep digging.

For example, a problem occurs online — CPU usage spikes frequently, then comes back to normal after a second or two. It doesn’t have much impact on the business, so a lot of people may not notice and deal with it, but if you dig deep into the underlying cause of the problem, find the root of the problem and share it with the team, it’s valuable content. Because not only did you take the initiative to solve the problem, you also helped other students grow by sharing.

Two, the defense material screening 3 principles

Once you’ve identified the material you’re going to explain, there are three principles to follow in the way you write your material.

  1. Don’t just talk about results, write about problems and solutions

In the past year, you have been responsible for a large project and successfully launched it. Don’t spend a lot of time in a POWERPOINT presentation on what the project is and the results of the successful launch of the project, because the judges will not be able to evaluate your ability and value through the results.

When introducing material, first introduce the background. Then describe what problems existed in the case and how you solved them. The last is the narrative of the result. The judges will evaluate your ability to move to the next level based on how you solve problems.

  1. Results should have value and data

When presenting the results, many people used to explain things like the project was on schedule, but in the judges’ eyes, this was just a basic requirement, not a plus.

The right thing to do is to speak with some post-launch data. For example, this section describes the system performance data and quality.

Here I emphasize that many r & D students are used to writing some business data after the launch, such as the number of new users, the amount of income brought, etc. In fact, this kind of data is more closely related to the product and business students. After all, the demand is mined by them, and the research and development focus should be on the technical level.

  1. Material should conform to the position positioning

If you are moving from rank 6 to 7, look for material that meets the criteria for rank 7.

For example, if you are satisfied with a certain work result, but a student of rank 5 can also complete it, do not write the suggestion, it will not help your promotion.

If you don’t have any standout material and can only audition from your past work, I have two suggestions for you

  • Don’t choose anything that’s just “hard work.

In a project with a very tight deadline, you worked overtime to ensure that it could be launched on time and was recognized by the leader and rewarded for performance. It is recommended not to write, the reason does not reflect the technical value. All your “hard work” shows up in your performance. You just have to show how many A’s you’ve earned on powerpoint.

  • Don’t write anything that you can’t quantify or tell

For example, if you have done something singled out and praised by the big leaders, but it is difficult to quantify in words, do not write, because the judges will not feel.

3. Three suggestions for PPT compilation

After choosing the right materials, you can write your PPT. Here are three suggestions for you to follow.

  1. The basic format of PPT should be unified

The PPT of the defense does not need too gorgeous content. In addition to basic tidiness, details are also important, such as —

  • Check for typos. Some judges think that there are more typos and maybe more bugs in the code.

  • Uniform font size. Don’t make one page big and one page small.

  • Don’t add too many animations. The focus of the defense is on the content, too many animations can be buggy and can suck attention away.

  • Control the number of words, important content in red bold. The defense is generally a centralized review, the judges have to review many people a day, do not have the patience to read too many words. Highlight the key points you want to convey in red and bold for the judges to absorb quickly.

  1. Don’t put up a big, complete architecture diagram

Many students are used to putting a large and complete architecture diagram in the PPT, but only explained part of the diagram in the defense — to complete idempotent transformation of the external interface by reforming the user write module.

You think that a large, comprehensive architecture diagram can demonstrate the completeness of your system. But if you only say one or two of them, it’s hard to say anything valuable, because time is limited, and it’s easy to leave a superficial impression on the judges. Try not to do this in your POWERPOINT presentation.

The most basic requirements of the defense is to explain the problem, and then it is lofty, this point to remember.

To optimize the idempotency of the user write module, you can use a better presentation, as shown in the figure below.

Using a problem-specific architecture + a detailed problem description instead of a big, comprehensive architecture diagram will allow the judges to quickly understand the background of the problem and how you solved it so that they can more accurately judge whether you did a good job or not.

  1. Don’t Show up on powerpoint

One more thing I would suggest is that you don’t want to have a large, comprehensive architecture diagram, because it’s easy to give away.

I have come across a respondent who wrote the word “encrypted” in his PPT, and I think he wrote it just to show that he used it. But the judge has been pursuing this point, resulting in the respondent failed to adapt to the flow, the final defense failed. So you need to know every word on your powerpoint.

On the other hand, you can do some preparation in advance, although you can’t get the questions you are likely to be asked. Most of the judges’ questions come from powerpoint and are rarely asked out of thin air, so the easiest way to respond is to think deeply about every word. For example, you write about a large technical optimization from 1000ms to 50ms, but you don’t write about how to achieve it, which is one of the questions the judges ask.

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