Dear readers, the RocketMQ Field Album is coming to an end. The previous section is about RocketMQ itself, but I’d like to talk to you about how I learned RocketMQ and tried to teach it.

I think we can all agree that optical theory is useless. There is some truth to this, but it should not be a reason to stop us from learning. For knowledge learning, we certainly need to give priority to the technologies commonly used in research work. For example, take microservices as an example. Spring Clould is very popular in the market now, but Dubbo is mainly used by the company. In-depth study of Dubbo can better guide practice, so as to realize the combination of theory and practice, and Dubbo is also widely used in the market.

But what if you are limited by your platform and don’t have access to mainstream technologies in your daily work, such as lack of high concurrency or no exposure to messaging middleware at all?

My personal advice: when unable to actually use, should be to study the principle of the mainstream technology, ready for use, do not give up because there is no access to learning, is to have the opportunity to prepare the people, if you have a certain depth of a certain technology research, when projects need to use, you can immediately upon your talent, it’s easy to stand out from the crowd.

I had never worked with any of the messaging middleware before RocketMQ, let alone using it, and what prompted me to learn RocketMQ was that it was being donated to the Apache Foundation, I also heard that RocketMQ supported a large amount of traffic on Alibaba’s Singles’ Day, which made me curious to have a look at a high-performance distributed messaging middleware. From then on, I started to learn RocketMQ.

Having identified the target,