I believe that everyone has heard of ClubHouse, which is an invitation-oriented App featuring voice and social interaction. Led by leaders in various fields, it quickly went out of its way and became popular on social media around the world. However, it is only available for iOS and has been removed in China. (I also have 2 invitation codes, you can ask me to invite 😂)

Last week I also tried to copy a voice interaction module that, from a technical point of view, is really easy to implement, and here’s how it works.


The flow chart


(Photo: Google)

The project adopts the architecture recommended by Google as a whole, separating pages from data, using ViewModel and LiveData, and using DiffUtil optimization list and Kotlin coroutine to optimize asynchronous tasks.

Realized function

  1. Log in to get a room list

  2. Create public/private rooms

  3. Anchors publish audio/listeners subscribe to audio

  4. Raise your hand/cancel your hand

  5. The anchor invited the audience to the stage

  6. Raise your hand if you list

Download experience link

⏬ Download experience

🐱 making address

Third-party libraries

  • AnyRTC RTC AUDIO and video SDK

  • AnyRTC RTM real-time signaling SDK

  • RxHttp

  • BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper

The last

🐱 Github address please send me a star 🌟

Shoot shoot!!!!!