
A few days ago, I received a phone call from my tutor asking if I would like to share it with younger students. Considering that I have been working for nearly 8 years, my greatest achievement is reading for more than 1720 consecutive days, that is, for nearly 5 years. I have destroyed a habit APP — seed habit, which can also be regarded as witnessing the process of a product from 0 to N and then from N to 0. I have time to talk with you about this. Although my life did not become prosperous because of 1700+ consecutive reading, IT did make me feel the change, especially the potential attitude change of people around me, the opportunities around me will also change, and even began to influence people around me to start reading and learning. So in this article, I will talk to you about how to do a meaningful thing consistently.

Some tips

Injection of belief

  • Pick the right thing to do and believe that you’re doing the right thing
  • Pick the right thing to do and believe that you’re doing the right thing
  • Pick the right thing to do and believe that you’re doing the right thing

It’s impossible for someone who thinks nothing they can do will change their life to keep reading, just as it’s impossible for someone who thinks networking is the only thing that matters to keep learning technology.

So you choose the topic must be their own belief, and is meaningful, I recommend several topics:

  • Read for 30 minutes a day
  • Exercise 1 hour a day
  • Spend 30 minutes a day with your family

What I think is worth investing my time in: 1. Investing time in building your thinking or knowledge system; 2. Invest time to improve their survival time and quality; 3. Invest your time in making your family happier. 4. Invest time in making the world a better place.

Everyone’s world is different, so you can choose your own subject freely, but you must believe it is important and meaningful to yourself, and it is better to have a little challenge.

It’s ok if you insist on breathing or eating every day.

Do first things first

It’s true that if you say you have time, you probably won’t do it. Since you already believe that what you have to do each day is important, make it a high priority for your partner to do that first thing each day. In fact, most people have to work, so it’s almost impossible to devote special time to doing their own things during work hours, so I recommend setting aside special time in the morning or noon every day. If there’s a conflict, prioritize what’s important. It is said that one of the secrets of happiness in life is to do first things first.

To declare

To take advantage of the psychological commitment effect, just post your daily reading and fitness photos on wechat or Weibo, and it is best to have a continuous counting software. Before the seed habit is good, but now has knelt down, there are small targets can also, in addition to some rogue other good, I have now accustomed to their own counting -!

One execution result + consecutive days is OK. As shown below.

Build a sense of ritual

Creating specific routines is a great way to help you form a habit.

Examples of ritual sense

  1. Post it on moments
  2. Use proprietary bookmarks
  3. The goal is to create a long-term mapping between the habit and your body, a physical memory that can’t be easily broken.

Other tips

  • Persistence gives people a strong psychological hint that what you are doing is painful, and this hint adds to the psychological burden of completing it every day, and even unconsciously becomes an excuse for not completing it
  • Don’t make excuses for your failures or interruptions.
  • Establish alternate plans and define multiple levels of completion. If for some specific reason you cannot complete a given action, establishing alternate plans will help to keep you engaged. For example, you normally read a physical book every day, but one day you go on a business trip or move and don’t have your book with you, you can also read an e-book instead, but plan this in advance. And if it’s raining and you can’t run outside, you can run indoors.
  • Post or tweet periodically, and every like or comment can be used to keep you going.
  • Find community Community can be a very powerful reinforcement, where you meet people who are similar to you, who share a common language and beliefs, and can help get through loneliness on the way forward.

Different stages of persistence and considerations

  • -10~-1, preparation stage, to prepare the plan, corresponding materials, such as books to read, running route, cooking materials are prepared, according to experience is often difficult to start, so full preparation is often easier to succeed.
  • 0 to 30 days, deliberate implementation phase, just start, without any habit support must not be easy, strongly recommended to set aside a special time each day to do what you need to do, and set multiple alarm clocks
  • 30 to 365 days, basic habits phase, congratulations you have completed the most difficult phase, there are still many factors that cause interruption, but there is no need to intentionally remind to do things, just do it.
  • 365+, habit into their own stage, continuous 365 days after the formation of inertia, should have reached the do not do always feel shortcomings of what state, but remember not to relax and continuous interruption.


If you can do an important thing consistently, it must be the most important thing in your life.