The dynamic

JetBrains survey: JavaScript most popular, Python more popular than Java

The results of JetBrains’ fifth annual Developer Ecosystem survey, The State of Developer Ecosystem 2021, have been released. The survey was conducted among 31,743 developers in 183 countries and territories; Some of the key findings were:

  • JavaScript is the most popular language. In the last 12 months, 69 percent of respondents used JavaScript, and 39 percent designated it as their primary programming language.
  • Overall, Python is more popular than Java; A total of 52% reported using Python and 49% using Java. Last year, 55% used Java and 54% used Python. Java as the primary language is more popular than Python; Thirty-two percent of respondents said they use Java as their primary language, while 29 percent use Python.
  • The top five languages that developers plan to adopt or migrate are Go, Kotlin, TypeScript, Python, and Rust.
  • The top five languages for developers to learn in 2021 are JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, Java, and Go.
  • Over the past five years, Ruby, Objective-C, and Scala have all declined in popularity.
  • The five fastest growing languages are Python, TypeScript, Kotlin, SQL, and Go.
  • The majority of respondents (71%) develop for the Web back end.
  • . (the full report:…

Node.js 16.5.0 is released

Node.js 16.5.0 is released with the following updates:

  • (semver-minor) fs: Allows temporary directory prefixes to be empty strings;
  • Deps: Upgrade NPM to 7.19.1;
  • Build: update GCOVR to GCC 8 compatibility;
  • . (More details:…

Good article

Refactoring in Vite: How do I do SSG, static resource publishing, and automated deployment

Since the Release of Vite 2.0 Beta on New Year’s Day of 2021, I have been focusing on the dynamics of Vite. I have time during the Spring Festival holiday, and Vue 3.0 and Vite 2.0 have just been updated soon. I have a feeling that the following will be popular. As for the future work on the business first step ahead of the pit, the blog has done the third refactoring, this time the client and server are rewritten, from THE PHP LNMP family bucket all replaced by the front-end technology stack.

What are we talking about when we talk about React Hook

During the development of React, my biggest feeling is that “This is the best and worst time of React”! The “good” part is that it initiates a different development model, which requires more focus on data dependencies in the way of thinking, and is written in a way that is easier, improving overall development efficiency. The “bad” part is that there are often class components and function components in the project, and class components are dominated by the class programming idea, the development process is more focused on the entire component rendering cycle, and the maintenance of the project often needs to jump between the two modes of thinking, which is not the worst part.

This time, Promise was thoroughly understood

In JS, if we want to do asynchronous operation gracefully, we must be familiar with a very important concept in ES6, Promise, which has the chain call, a good relief of the callback hell brought by the traditional callback writing method, is also the basis of understanding generator, async/await. In recent years, it is inevitable to investigate it in the interview. The main purpose of this paper is to record my process and thinking in realizing a Promise.

What you don’t know about the React Virtual DOM

In the ancient times when front-end technology was booming, front-end development was mainly some static pages, which used Ajax, jQuery and other commands to complete some DOM operations. With the continuous development of front-end engineering, a series of MVVM front-end frameworks emerged, such as Angular, React and so on. The common feature of these frameworks is that they no longer care about dom-specific operations, but instead focus on operations based on the state of the data. Once the data changes, the DOM in the place it is bound to changes as well. This kind of declarative development way greatly increases the development experience, helps us to complete component reuse, logic decoupling and so on better.

How to build a suitable build and deployment platform for your team

The existing build and deployment solutions in the front-end industry are usually Jenkins, Docker, GitHub Actions, and so on. Coincidentally, our company now has the first two solutions. Why build your own build platform when you already have a stable way to deploy your build? Of course not for fun ah, let me slowly analyze the reason.

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About us: We are the front end teaching team of Xiao Education Group, and we are a young team. We support almost all of the group’s teaching operations. Now with the rapid development of the business group, the team is also rapidly expanding, welcome to join us, you are the front end experts ~ we hope you are: solid technical foundation, a field in-depth; Good at precipitation, continuous learning; Personality optimistic, cheerful, lively and outgoing. If you are interested in joining us, please send your resume to [email protected]; [email protected]