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How do capitalists exploit and oppress workers?

There are many ways for capitalists to increase the exploitation of workers’ surplus value, of which two are the most important: one is to extend working hours, and the other is to improve labor intensity. — How Do Capitalists Exploit and Oppress Workers, 1960

Don’t let the word “sudden death” become a reality!

  • Yang Mai, the 54-year-old president of Ericsson (China) Co., LTD., died of sudden death in the fitness room.

  • Sun Dedi, acting CEO of netease, died at the age of 38.

  • Li Qingping, former general manager of IBM’s Greater China Government and Public Business Division, died of sudden cardiopulmonary failure at the age of 46.

  • 2006/2/25 Zhang Dong, deputy director of Dalian Development Center of Huawei Embedded software Division of Neusoft Group, died of sudden death due to heart attack at the age of 36.

  • Hu Xinyu, a research and development worker of Huawei In Shenzhen, was diagnosed with viral encephalitis and died at the age of 25.

  • 2008/8/30 Huang Qingkun Intel Hainan sales commissioner office sudden death.

  • 2009/11/11 Luo Yaoming 6 nets 6 nets research and development department a luo surnamed employees because of continuous overtime, excessive fatigue, in the company vomiting blood sudden death.

  • Sohu Confirmed the accidental death of a technician surnamed Peng in its wireless business unit, aged about 30.

  • 2010/5/11 Shihong Tencent Tencent network female channel editor Yu Shihong died of cerebral hemorrhage, only 37 years old.

  • Wu Zheng, chief operating officer of Bestong, passed away suddenly at the age of 39.

  • Lin Haitao, a technology researcher at Baidu, died after four months on the job. He spent 48 hours without sleep.

  • 2012/9/4 Unknown name Jinshan 25-year-old employee dies at office The company says it was not karoshi.

  • 2013/1/8 CAI Ting Giant network giant network one art employee sudden death.

  • 2013/5/15 Zhang 17173, 24 years old editor of Sohu website died at bus station.

  • Hong Guangzhi, vice president and CTO of, died at the age of 43 due to sudden illness.

  • 2013/7/15 Wu Lijun, 36 years old, the “talent” of Taobao and the former chairman of Yucifang, died suddenly.

  • Qi Xiaobin, an employee of PPS game, died of a heart attack at home at the age of 30.

  • Wang Jin, a 42-year-old senior executive of Huawei Hisi, suddenly died: he is the backbone of baseband and processor business.

  • A 28-year-old female employee, Xiao Lu, died after collapsing in the company’s bathroom a few days earlier.

  • Zhang Xu, president of Guangzhou Xianhai Network, died suddenly at the age of 33 due to overwork.

  • Zhang Bin, a 36-year-old male IT graduate from Tsinghua University, said to his mother “I am too tired” before he died of sudden death on the toilet.

  • 2015/11/10 Tianchou Gold Wright Jiangmen worth 3 billion gold Wright chairman Tianchou died of heart attack, only 43 years old.

  • 2015/12/13 Li Junming, employee of Tencent Interactive Entertainment, died suddenly, and his wife was pregnant and about to become a father.

  • Wang Yashan, a 28-year-old female editor of netease, died of liver cancer. She advised the media not to stay up late.

  • 2016/6/23 Ogilyan Ali, former Director of Alibaba Group Data Technology and Product Department (DT) ogilyan died.

  • Jin Bo, 34, deputy editor of Tianya, suddenly died on the subway.

  • Zhang Rui, founder and CEO of Chunyu World, died of myocardial infarction in the early morning, aged 44.

  • Li Bo, deputy general manager of the reservation center of tu Niu Travel network, passed away at home at the age of 44.

  • 2018/1/16 Braving Chaohua zhangchi technology 38 years old Braving Chaohua sudden cerebral haemorrhage died had been xun you and other company executives.

  • A 36-year-old Huawei engineer has died of sudden death in Kenya.

  • 2018/12/8 DJI Guo is 25 years old! In the morning, a male master died at home after less than a year of work.

  • Huawei Outsourcing Company responded to the employee’s “sudden death” : fainted with low blood sugar.

  • Seto Zhengmei, a well-known front end technology tycoon, died at home, very shocked, he was only 35 years old.

  • A programmer died suddenly in the office area in Shanghai. He is a development manager of a business line, and he is only 47 years old.

  • Zhang Fei, a female employee of Pyeoduo Company, suddenly covered her stomach and fell to the ground while walking home with her colleagues.

Take care of yourself and rest! Don’t let the word “sudden death” become a reality!

(Photo from the Internet)