Drag more these days I have been in the reflection, the summary I exactly how to describe my experience of this past year, I don’t seem to make a earth-shattering event, in the past made the flag does not seem to be implemented, many of my thinking and idea only exists in the brain, and not to do a content on the output and the implementation of the action. For a while I didn’t know how to start writing. After thinking for a long time, I wrote down a bunch of meaningless symbols like squeezing toothpaste.

21 after coming back from chengdu, began to busy to complete the graduation thesis, who want to followed closely by the sudden outbreak, when they hear news broadcast a full-blown epidemic in wuhan, I at that time the in the mind is really a bit of a panic (after all the time I stay in hankou station for 30 minutes), families are closed, As the epidemic is approaching, the unique flavor of The Chinese New Year has faded away, and the streets that used to be noisy have become much quieter. People across the country are focused on the prevention and control of the epidemic in Wuhan, and the news headlines every day are almost related to the progress of the epidemic prevention and control. A difficult party p plus support, medical staff all over the country have extended a helping hand to support wuhan. Of course, I am no exception. I am always following the progress of epidemic prevention and control, and I sincerely hope that Wuhan can overcome this crisis as soon as possible. For me, as a bystander of the epidemic, the best way to support the prevention and control of the epidemic is not to cause trouble to the country.

Because of the influence of the outbreak, curtilage home a few months long life has become an inevitable thing, actually now think about, I very thank you for that time, I was able to calm down and read the book, have more time to precipitate myself, if there is no time thinking and learning, maybe I can’t open into Wall Street’s investment process.

Reading, can let a person learn to think, let a person unknowingly become quiet down. I find nothing more satisfying than reading. Books can bring you peace of mind, wisdom of life, and joy of spirit that no amount of money can buy.

Mai jia said, reading is home. To read a book, Maugham said, is to build yourself a small refuge to carry around. They have a warm and powerful power to endear the soul, to tug at the heartstrings, to touch the softest and deepest parts of our emotional depths. This strength is undiminished by the passage of time and age.

Reading is also for us to meet a better self.

I have always believed that no book I have ever read will be in vain, and that it will help me to be a better person on some occasion in the future. Any time you spend reading a book will pay off for you at some point.

Because in this world, a person’s speech and temperament, is to be through time and heart precipitation, to obtain. That’s how you turn your mind into learning, and your soul into a pearl.

Soviet writer Pavstovsky wrote in the Golden Rose that one’s poetic understanding of life and everything around him is a great gift in childhood. If he can preserve this gift for the rest of his long and difficult life, then he is essentially a writer or poet.

The current through the snowdrifts, l I really can’t have too many ideas, more not qualified to give anyone advice, from the point of the results, I this year is doomed to be very failure, the scorn of the relatives and friends, let I don’t know how to deal with, every time I all is to simply self sealing up, but this self sealing can really solve the problem?

Many of the habits and rules I broke were a result of my self-degradation of life, my reluctance to face reality, the painful costs of failure, and my obsession with the past. There are times when you are full of hope for life, but life often slaps you in the face and wakes you up.

When you’re at your lowest point, you may feel a sting in the face of others’ comfort and kindness, feel that they don’t understand you, and ask them to leave you alone. But what if someone really worries about you when you say no? Isn’t it worth it?

Don’t trample on the efforts and credibility accumulated before, so sorry for their efforts so far, do this kind of thing also feel happy, is to give up the efforts of the defeated dog.

Human nature is the creator, your mission is to create a soul level work. Maybe as you walk along, you forget your gift and your mission, or you become so blinded by the outside world that when I tell you the story of these great creators, you feel irrelevant to yourself. That’s the tragedy.

As soon as humans get used to being happy, they begin to feel unhappy again. We live in the most prosperous and peaceful period in human history, but it is accompanied by the most psychological problems in human history.

The reasons we are pessimistic about human nature apply to others as well as ourselves, and they all sum up and outline human nature, but no one knows you better than you do yourself. Others may know your faults, but only you know all your SINS, inadequacies and flaws, and no one has more reason to despise yourself than you do. When you refuse to do what’s good for you, it’s like punishing yourself for all your flaws. A harmless, innocent, and self-conscious dog is obviously more deserving of kindness than you are.

In a crisis, life’s inevitable pain makes a mockery of the pursuit of happiness.

Life needs deeper meaning, the essence of which is repeated in the great stories of the past, which often talk about growing in pain rather than the pursuit of happiness.

Everyone should take as much responsibility as possible for himself, his society and the world to uphold the truth and repair the imperfections so that people can reduce the suffering that poisons the world.

People are forever yearning for real heroism, and taking responsibility is the same as deciding to live a meaningful life.

You need to explore and learn new things while relying on what you already know and what you already know. That way you can balance the fear of the unknown while remaining excited and engaged. In this way, you can master the new, enhance the old, and discover meaning.

The emergence of meaning shows that you are in the right place at the right time, balancing order and chaos to make everything the best possible. Meaning can make the inevitable pain worth it.

Only when you are familiar with evil, especially the evil in your heart, can you choose not to go near it or create it. You can even devote your whole life to it. It will give great meaning to your miserable life and existence, and it will redeem you, replacing shame and embarrassment with instinctive pride and undisguised confidence that you have learned to treat yourself as a helping hand.

When a person has a low sense of self-worth or refuses to take responsibility for his or her life, he or she will choose to surround himself or herself with people whose lives are already a mess.

The past is fixed, but the future can be better. This good may be as good as you can achieve with minimal effort in one day. The present is always flawed, but the direction you’re heading in is more important than where you started.

Perhaps happiness always comes from the process of improvement, rather than the fleeting satisfaction of achieving a goal. It is a joy to have hope, no matter how dark the abyss from which it springs.

What goes wrong in your life may not be because of life itself, but because of your ignorance.

Life is hard and everyone is destined to suffer and hurt. Sometimes the pain clearly stems from personal mistakes, such as selective blindness, poor decision-making or holding grudges.

Both positive and negative emotions end up manifesting themselves in two valuable forms: satisfaction, which tells us that our past actions were good; The other is hope, which tells people that something pleasant is coming.

Nietzsche once said that pain, whether mental, physical or mental, does not necessarily lead to nihilism, a complete negation of life’s values, meaning and aspirations. Such pain can always be understood from different angles.

You get used to what you have, you don’t see how things change and corruption takes hold, and then everything falls apart.

Stop filling your mind with lies and your mind will become clearer. Stop distorting your life with dishonest behavior and your life will improve. Then you can spot and correct the more subtle mistakes.

You need to let go of your current preconceptions and preoccupations, and even sacrifice the things you care about most, in order to reach your potential instead of staying stuck in a rut.

People can overcome earthquakes, floods, poverty and cancer, but human evil adds a whole new dimension to the world’s suffering.

Evil magnifies life’s woes and greatly increases our motivation to respond to tragedy with expediency.

This led me to my own basic moral conclusions. Be good, focus, fix what you can, and don’t be arrogant about your knowledge. Try to be humble, for the pride of the hegemon will be manifested in intolerance, oppression, torture and death. Be aware of your own inadequacies, such as cowardice, malice, resentment, and hatred, and look inside yourself for cruelty before blaming others and trying to fix the world. Maybe the fault is not in the world, but in yourself. You failed, you missed your goal, and that is your crime, and all of that is your contribution to the evil in the world. Above all, never lie.

You are not only made up of what you already know, you are also made up of what you can get if you want to. You should never sacrifice who you are for what you could be.

There is not just one future. When you look into the future from the present, the future branches and changes, branching out into several possibilities. No matter what kind of future there is a path to it, no matter what kind of future there is a possibility of happening, and when you choose one way forward, all the branches behind you disappear, and the past becomes a single road, with only one way behind you and an infinite number of ways in front of you. The future is always unknown and uncertain, and turning the infinite branches of existence into a force that can determine where to reach, determine the future.

The purpose of memory is not to remember the past, but to avoid repeating it.

People think they think, but they don’t. Most of the time we just judge ourselves, and real thinking is as rare as real listening. To think is to listen to yourself, and that’s not easy. To think, you have to be at least two characters at once, and allow them to disagree. Thinking is a dialogue between two or more world views.

You may discover that it is not a lack of opportunities that is holding you back, but an arrogant blindness to what you already have.

2020 is a year to witness history. B station seized the opportunity to hold the Spring Festival Gala and successfully broke the circle. Since then, the stock price has increased by N times:

Having witnessed the high price of masks, masks have unexpectedly become the most sought-after goods for the Spring Festival.

It witnessed four circuit breakers in the US stock market. There were only five circuit breakers in the history of the US stock market. The fourth one happened in March of the same year, when the lowest price of North American crude oil futures fell to -40 US dollars. This situation, let see many ups and downs of the stock god Buffett also called “I am too young” : he lived 89 years old, also have not seen this scene.

Also witnessed the two old men in order to fight for the victory of the United States, the Contradiction of the Republican party and the Democratic Party further intensified.

Every day this year, we have witnessed history. Every day, we have seen hope amid despair.

People complain about how hard life is, but they still look forward to the bell ringing next year.

In fact, for more of us ordinary people, what is special about 2020 is not that what has witnessed history, but that history has participated in our lives. We are merely swept along by the wheels of history amid the sound of a great torrent drowning the individual.

For us, 2020 is a magical year and a year of growth.

It is this extraordinary year that has made us extraordinary. I thought I could not walk, or cross over.

In the New Year, I hope I will be less of a pigeon and more content output. I will stick to doing the right thing and sharing the right ideas and values in the long term.

In the New Year, I hope I can go out more, get in touch with more industry leaders, grasp the development context of more industries, deeply understand the historical process of multi-industry industry chain and business model, and become a witness of the rise of a great power.

The New Year, I hope you can go in peace, healthy, happy every day, Shakespeare once said, all the past, are overture. Have seen all kinds of scenery, will never be defeated by life.

The meaning of life is to develop rather than cling to, let us in the growth, learn to cherish, while it is still too late.