
As we all know, in our normal development, the Spring framework has been around the whole project, not that we can’t do without Spring, but that it’s too expensive to do so. Spring IOC, AOP, transaction, etc., will always be asked every interview, today this is a job interview question I just met, poor I only know @service. Then he went back to wait for an announcement, which he hasn’t given me yet.

In addition, today this article will talk about several injection methods, as for the principle of good brothers don’t think first (don’t hit my face on the line), this casually take out a speak source to speak again, the main need to rely on the advantages of many things, so find an opportunity willSpring IOCThat piece of the source code to come out about, this article is mainly about.

To the chase

1 @service, @Component, @repository, @controller

@ComponentScan (@ComponentScan); @ComponentScan (@ComponentScan); @Component (@ComponentScan); Why not use @Component? Spring is trying to distinguish between Bean types. @Repository for persistence, @Service for business logic, and @Controller for presentation (spring-MVC notes)

public class ApproveCenterServiceImpl implements ApproveCenterService {}@Service
public class ApproveCenterServiceImpl implements ApproveCenterService {}@Repository
public class ApproveCenterServiceImpl implements ApproveCenterService {}Copy the code

2 @ Bean and @ Configuration

The simplest example of this is when we use SpringBoot to manually register a Bean called RestTemplate

public class RestTemplateConfig {

    public RestTemplate restTemplate(a) {
        return newRestTemplate(); }}Copy the code

3 using the @ Import

The @import annotation registers three types of beans: the general class, the DefinitionRegistrar class, and the ImportSelector class

3.1 ordinary class

/ * * *@author xiejianwei
public @interface ImportBean {
Copy the code

3.2 DefinitionRegistrar

Implements ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar this way in the implementation class provides a registry, there is a very familiar annotation @ MapperScan good brothers in to look at will understand.

public @interface MapperScan {

public class MapperScannerRegistrar implements ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar.ResourceLoaderAware {
  /** * Mainly this method, which provides BeanDefinitionRegistry as an argument for manually injecting beans into containers */
  public void registerBeanDefinitions(AnnotationMetadata importingClassMetadata, BeanDefinitionRegistry registry) {
    AnnotationAttributes mapperScanAttrs = AnnotationAttributes
    if(mapperScanAttrs ! =null) { registerBeanDefinitions(mapperScanAttrs, registry); }}}Copy the code

3.3 ImportSelector

Many Springboot starter uses ImportSelector to enable a function, such as the @enableDiscoveryClient annotation to enable service registration and discovery, Main principle is the selectImports ImportSelector method returns a string array, the string is actually we need the full path of the registered class one by one, similar to the com. XJW. Entity. The pojo. MessageRecord, Spring generates beans based on full path reflection. This piece of source code will not talk about (manual dog head).

public class CommonModelSelector implements ImportSelector {
    public CommonModelSelector(a) {}public String[] selectImports(AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata) {
        return newString[]{MessageRecord.class.getName()}; }}Copy the code

4 FactoryBean

FactoryBeanIs a special oneBeanAre many good brothers asked this question in job interviewsFactoryBeanandBeanFactryI get a tear in my eye when I say this (which, to be fair, is often asked when talking to so-called senior engineers).FactoryBeanIs a specialBeanWhen we implement this interface, we generate twoBeanObject, the first of which is the implementation class itself, needs to be used inBeanBefore the name (normally, the first letter of the class name is lowercase)&In order to getBeanAnd the secondBeanIn fact, that meansgetObjectMethod returnbeanIt is important to note that this approach requires coordination@Componentor@ConfigurationTo implement.BeanFactryIn a nutshellSpringContext container.

Example code is as follows:

public class FactoryBeanLearn implements FactoryBean {

    public Object getObject(a) throws Exception {
        // This Bean is our own new, so we can control the Bean creation process
        return new MessageRecord();

	/** * the type of the bean ** */
    publicClass<? > getObjectType() {return MessageRecord.class;

	/** * is the singleton ** */
    public boolean isSingleton(a) {
        return true; }}Copy the code

That’s the end of this issue. Welcome to leave your comments in the comments sectionAsk for attention, ask for likes